Virginia Quilt Guilds
The Old Dominion State
Click here to find Quilt Shows in Virginia. Find Quilt Shops and Shop Hops in Virginia here.
Wolf Hill Quilters We are a diverse group of quilters located in the sw corner of Virginia in Abingdon. We meet on the second Saturday of each month at 10AM for meet and greet at the Pleasant View United Methodist Church located on Lee Hwy off I-81 exit 13. (In front of the small municipal airport.) We try and have a program of learning each month or just a free sew day, we are on Facebook and we do have a blog spot as well….contact us at Wolfhillsquilters all are welcome to join us our yearly fee is 15$
Directions are as follows: Exit 13 off I-81… go to the red light (beside of the service station) make a right on Lee Hwy go 0.3 mile. Church is located on the Right . Pleasant View is the Yellow Brick Church. Take the 2nd entrance or follow the WHQ signs or look for all the cars! Guild Contact Information Laura Bryant 2018 President
Cardinal Quilters. We meet at 10 am on 2nd Friday of every month at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2911 Cameron Mills Road, Alexandria, VA 22302.
Appomattox Courthouse Quilt Guild. We have about 35 members who pay $12 per year in dues, prorated if joining during the calendar year. We meet at Liberty Baptist Church about 6 pm for a 30-minute social gathering before the actual meeting starting at 6:30 pm. We have various projects going at any given time including charity quilts for various causes, BOM’s, Mysteries, 2 1/2 inch strip exchange, raffles, classes or workshops show and tell, and a raffle at each meeting. Contact mryan for more information
QUILTERS UNLIMITED -Visit QU’s website at
Peaks & Pieces Quilt Guild was formed in late 1989 by a group of women from Bedford, VA who were interested in sharing their love of quilting. Today, we are a diverse group that supports a common interest in promoting the art of quilting in the community. We make quilts for donation to charitable organizations and we provide knowledge and understanding of quilting through education. Guild meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at Bedford Presbyterian Church, 105 W. Main St., Bedford, VA beginning at 6:30 pm. Social time is 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm. On the other Mondays of the month, guild members meet for an informal Sit & Sew at 6:00 pm at the church to work on whatever they wish. If you would like information on joining our guild, please email: peaksandpiecesquiltguild
Shenandoah Piecemakers Club
We are a small group who meet at 6:30-8:30 p.m. on the second Monday of each month at the Clarke County Parks and Recreation building (recreation center general admission fees apply), 225 Al Smith Cir, Berryville, VA 22611. We are one of four local groups that host the Northern Shenandoah Valley Quilt Show held every other year, we select one or more charity of choice each year to make donations of $$ or quilts, have excellent programs, group quilt challenges, workshops, social outings and lots of fun. Email: Shenandoah_Piecemakers
Apple Valley Needle Threaders meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 9:30 at the VFW Post 9760 425 S. Buckmarsh St. Berryville, VA 22611. We are a group of about 80 new and experienced quilters.. Dues are $15 per year. We have a business meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month followed by a speaker or program. On the 4th Thursday, we have an open sew or Charity Bee. We have several charities that we make quilted items for. We are an open and friendly guild that welcomes new or experienced quilters. For more information contact avntquilters
The Quilting Party, Blacksburg’s largest quilt guild invites quilters of all skill levels for Show and Tell, friendship, and quilt-related programs. Annual dues are $18(2012) The guild meets each first Tuesday of the month from 6.30 until 9 pm at St. Michael Lutheran Church at 2308 Merrimac Road in Blacksburg, VA 24060 Contact Karin Tauber (540-961-5222 or BRQFest ) for more information
Bristol, TN
The Holston Quilters Guild meets third Saturday of each month at 1000 am at the First United Methodist Church, 322 Vance Drive, Bristol, TN. Our members are from both VA & TN. Visitors or new members are welcome. Dues are $12.00 per year. Contact wanda.c
QUILTERS UNLIMITED – Visit QU’s website at
QUILTERS UNLIMITED -Visit QU’s website at
Sully Historic Site September 11, Sunday 10am-4:30 pm. Vendors assemble at our 37th annual fall event to show and sell new and antique quilts, fiber arts, quilt-related merchandise, antique linens and sewing tools, books and fabric. The show includes children’s activities, quilt appraisals, quilted door prize, and food. Rain or shine. House tour included. $9/adult, $8/senior, $6/child
Charlottesville Area Quilters Guild
The Charlottesville Area Quilt Guild has four chapters, two of which meet in the Charlottesville area, one meets in Crozet, and one meets in Nelson County. The CAQG website lists days, times and current locations for each chapter as well as additional information about CAQG activities, activities of each individual chapter, and contact information for each chapter. Guild members are from Charlottesville city as well as from several surrounding and nearby counties. Email: caqg.membership
Tidewater Quilters’ Guild meets
at the Assembly of God, 525 Kempsville Road, Chesapeake VA First Saturday of each month, 10-noon. TQG has 3 chapters with approximately 350 members. Membership is $25/yr. We have monthly programs, block of the month swap, Lucky Buck swap, a lending library and have a biannual Quilt Show. Guests are invited.
EMail: tqgva2 Guests are invited to attend!!
The Persian Pickle Girls. We meet at 7PM on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Chesterfield County Library, Main Branch on Lori Road. We have fat quarter swaps and block exchanges. There are no dues. Contact Cheryl Dale-Hodges at meryhart for more info.
Crooked Road Quilters Guild meets on alternate Tuesdays. We meet at 10:00 a.m. at J.B. Deel Library in Clintwood. We just formed in Jan. 2007. Our dues are $25 year. Connie S. Edwards sewnsew
Colonial Heights
Stitches of Hope. We are a Woman’s Ministry of Colonial Heights Baptist Church. Meetings are the Second and Fourth Thursday of each month, 6 PM to 8 PM — Room B202. Stitches of Hope members use their time and talents to share God’s love by providing quilts as gifts of hope and encouragement to those in need. Corintha Russell cruss7504
The Quilter’s Sew-Ciety meets every Monday at 9am at St. Anne’s Church Hall. Come join a group of wonderful ladies for laughs, and bring your quilting, needlepoint, knitting, and crocheting.
Culpeper Quilters Guild. About 40 members who pay $25 a year in dues. We meet at 7pm on the first Thursday of the month in the Gathering Room of St. Stephens Episcopal Church in Culpeper. We have yearly charity projects, retreats, mystery quilts, challenges and more! All skill levels and interests welcome! Contact cindyryckmancqg for more information.
WHITE OAK MOUNTAIN QUILTERS. We meet the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 3090 North Main Street, Danville. We have about 43 members.
Southside Virginia Quilters Guild. We meet monthly at 10 AM on the second Thursday at Bellevue Baptist Chruch, 3280 Mt. Cross Rd. Our meetings include workshops, show and tell and block of the month. We serve our community by making charity quilts, puppets, wheelchair tote bags, pillow cases and other items. For more information find us on Facebook and visit our web site.
Stingwray Stitchers. Aprox.75 members, dues $20 per year; meets first Mondays,6:30PM at Phillipi church hall,rt.33 east. We have block-of-the-month, winner-take-all, charm square exchange, fat quarter drawing, also winner-take-all, monthly workshops and programs. Many of our members contribute small quilts and pillows to the Linus program. Melissa Holland, pres.
Eastern Shore
A new quilt guild in Northampton and Accomack counties. Meets the second Monday of each month (September-May) at Weirwood Station Quilts. Call 757-442-9007 for information, or email kitty
Lake Gaston Piecemakers We have approximately 60 Members, our annual dues are $25 and meet the second Wednesday of each month at the Prospect Methodist Church 1974 Ebony Road , Ebony VA 23919, Fellowship at 9:30 Meeting at 10:00. Oor focus is to share our experience and help the new quilter. We also produce charity quilts for local organizations. Please contact Victoria Quiqley at 252-578-7480 for more information.
Meherrin Piecemakers Quilt Guild
Our membership boasts approximately 25 avid quilters who meet each month on the fourth Wednesday at 1:00 PM at Main Street Baptist Church; 440 Main St., Emporia. We make group quilts for sale, make charity quilts and other projects for hospitals, children’s homes and domestic violence centers. Prospective new members and guests are welcome! Email: donalddillow07
Eastern Shore Quilt Guild meets the second Monday of the Month. please contact
easternshoreguild or 757-665-6564 for more information. New members welcome
QUILTERS UNLIMITED – Visit QU’s website at
Falls Church
QUILTERS UNLIMITED – Visit QU’s website at
OLD DOMINION APPLIQUE SOCIETY, Falls Church, VA. We meet at 10 am at the Falls Church G Street Fabrics. Mission: Support the preservation of quilts in museums and historical society collections, which includes quilts made as fundraisers. We also promote the art of applique with classes and challenges. Contact Ribbonsand
Floyd Quilt Guild
The Floyd Quilt Guild meets at 10am on the first and third Monday of each month at the Floyd Center for the Arts, 220 Parkway Lane S., Floyd Va. Please check out our webpage for more information or find us on Facebook as Floyd Quilt Guild or
Virginia Star Quilters. We meet the third Wednesday of the month at 7PM at the Lee Hill Community Ctr. Our community projects include making baby quilts for the NICU at Mary Washington Hospital, and quilts for the elderly through the Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging.
River Country Quilters Guild meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month in the Fellowship Hall of First Presbyterian Church on Main Street in Gloucester, VA.
Haymarket Chapter of Quilters Unlimited Location: Alvey Elementary School, 5300 Waverly Farm Drive, Haymarket VA 20169
There are over 100 fun and friendly members in the Haymarket Chapter of Quilters Unlimited of Northern Virginia. We gather at 6:30 p.m. on the 1st Thursday of the month in Alvey Elementary School Sept-June. Meetings begin at 7 p.m. We are a very active group and support many charities with our quilting. EMail: HQUPresident
The Tavern Quilt Guild of Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern meets in Heathsville the first Tuesday of each month at 10 am in the TMB building of the Tavern Complex. We have show & tell, block of the month, speakers and workshops. Every other year we put on a show and auction, which includes a vendor mall, members’ boutique, Hoffman Challenge exhibit and culminates in a live auction of 75-80 handmade and vintage quilts. Contact tavernquilts or visit our website.
Peninsula Piecemakers Quilt Guild. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Hilton Baptist Church 101 Main Street Newport News VA 23601. A day chapter meets the second Friday of each month at 9:30 a.m at Yorkminster Presbyterian Church on Rt. 17 in York County, Va. Total membership has grown to over 300 members in this very active and diverse group. All skill levels are represented and anyone interested is welcome to attend a meeting as a visitor. Membership dues are $20 per year and are paid in September. All skill levels are represented and anyone interested may attend a meeting as a visitor. For any information please contact
54-40 African-American Quilters Guild of Hampton Va. Our dues are $25.00 a year. We meet every third Sat from 10 am to 3pm at the Northhampton Community Center, Todds Lane Hampton. The person to contact for more information is JoAnne Cramatie@(757)723-2236 or black.quilter Please check out our website guild history and activities are listed. We have an ongoing Block of the month, show and tell and a quilt workshop at every meeting. Come bring a dish and quilt with us.
Shenandoah Valley Quilters Guild meets the 3rd Sat. of the Month. We meet at 9:30am at The Sunnyside Presbyterian Retirement Community on Rt 687 (Massanetta Springs Rd).We have Block swaps, round robins, secret sisters, Quilt show classes, trips and more. We have a Quilt Raffle every other year. For more information go to our website
The Tavern Quilt Guild of Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern meets in Heathsville the first Tuesday of each month at 10 am in the TMB building of the Tavern. We have show &tell, block of the month, speakers, workshops, silent and live auctions. We do a show every other year. Contact tavernquilts or visit our website
King George.
King George Village Quilters
We are a non-profit guild with over 50 members. We hold a monthly business meeting with a show-and-tell segment. We hold three montly sit-and sews, two on Saturdays and one on a weekday. We have block of the month and creative challenges, mystery quilt challenges, an annual raffle quilt, and small items sales. All profits go toward the making of quilts that are donated to various local charities. Guild meetings and Sit and Sews are at two different locations. Email: KGquilters
Leesburg, Virginia
Waterford Quilters Guild
The Waterford Quilters Guild is made up of like minded people who value the traditions, history, and art of quilting. We meet on the second Wednesday of every month at the Leesburg Senior Center at 102 North Street NW. Regular and handicapped parking is available near the building. The business meeting runs from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and is followed by a program that lasts until 2:00 p.m. The annual membership fee is $40.00 and includes participation in all programs free of charge. We produce a yearly raffle quilt, participate in service projects, and offer a social bee the first Wednesday of every month at theSenior Center from 10-12. Email: Waterfordquilters
Rockbridge Piecemakers – -Contact person is Kerry Vansant at vansantk. Meets the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10
a.m. in the Rockbridge Regional Library on Main Street in Lexington.
Friendship Quilters. We have about 100 members who pay $15 a year in dues. We meet at 7 pm on the second Thursday of the month (Sept. through June) at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 200 W. Maple Road, Linthicum, MD. We have nationally known speakers, retreats, a biannual quilt show and charity projects. Contact rabachmann for more information or see our website.
Patches ‘n Pieces Meetings are scheduled for the first and third Fridays of each month at St. Thomas More Catholic Church, located on Roundelay Road just off Timberlake Road in Lynchburg. The dates may change depending on the church’s schedule, check our online Calendar for dates. Members gather around 9:30 AM for a social time, with the official business/meeting activities starting promptly at 10:00 AM.
Seven Hills Quilt Guild
We are an evening guild that meets the THIRD Monday of each month from 6:30-8:30pm at Calvary Baptist Church 20957 Timberlake Road, Lynchburg VA. We have workshops every other month, and offer free classes to those wanting to learn to quilt. Dues are $20 annually. Our guild is heavily invested in giving back to the community and donates more than 100 quilts each year to various groups and organizations. For more info call Kim Payne at 434-944-8639 or email her at intoquilting Comments: Our members have a passion for sharing their love of quilting with others.
Madison County Quilters Guild Madison County Quilters’ Guild meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at the Madison Presbyterian Church (1236 Fishback Road, Madison, VA). The meeting time is 7:00 p.m. to about 8:30 p.m. Guild conducts multiple challenge quilt projects and makes at least one raffle quilt a year. Member-taught classes and demos are often conducted at regular meetings. The Madison County Quilters’ Guild is a charitable organization that frequently donates to local charities. New members are always welcome! Come join us, we have lots of fun! For more information, email us at MadisonQuiltersGuild.
The Stone House Quilter’s Guild We have about 80 members who pay $20 yearly dues. We meet the 2nd Monday of the month at 7pm at the Java Rock in Manassas Baptist Church, 8730 Sudley Road. We have a block of the month, birthday drawings, workshops. We make a charity quilt and raffle it off at our annual quilt show. Bees meet mornings and evenings.
Virginia Foothills Quilt Guild Meets second Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Piedmont Arts Association, 215 Starling Avenue.
Bay Quilters
Location: Westville Christian Church, Main St, Mathews, VA
Bay Quilters currently has 40+ members with an average of 30 members in regular attendance. Dues are $15/year. Meetings are the 2d Thurs of the month at 9:30am. Annual events include Spring Pot Luck, Road Trip, Christmas Party, Trash to Treasure. March Retreat, and Mid-Atlantic Challange. We also have community workshops to create Christmas stockings for social services and quilts for military,, nursing home residents, or county residents affected by a disaster. Prorograms are either a lecture or workshop. We hold an annual quilt show during Market Days in September and provide a float for the annual Holiday Parade in December in which we won 1st place in the Civic Organization Category. Email: meryhart
QUILTERS UNLIMITED – Visit QU’s website at
Milk and Honey Quilters Guild. We have more than fifty members. Dues are $10 per year. We have guest speakers, workshops, do service projects, and do a show every other year. Open to everyone, meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month from September to June usually at the American Legion building, 49 Wilson Road, Middlebury.
The Top Of Virginia Quilt Guild (TOVA) meets at Grace United Methodist Church in Middletown, VA on the first Thursday of each month from 1:00-3:00pm. We have about 50 members and pay $15 per year dues. We are challenged to do special projects during the year, as well as participate in the making of our annual raffle quilt, which is hand-pieced and hand quilted. Each year, we make over 200 quilts for cancer patients at Winchester Medical Center, local crisis pregnancy centers and CCAP. For further information, contact Julia Marks at marksa1 .
Lake Quilters Guild has 162 members that pay $20 a year in dues. We meet at 1:00 on the fourth Tuesday of each month at Trinity Ecumenical Parish at 40 Lakemont Drive, Moneta, VA. Quilt in a Year meets at 12:00 each month. We donate teddy bears and baby/lay quilts to various charities in the area. We have a quilt show every other even year. Check our website for more information.
Mt. Vernon
QUILTERS UNLIMITED – Visit QU’s website at
Newport News
Peninsula Piecemakers Quilt Guild. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Hilton Baptist Church 101 Main Street Newport News VA 23601. A day chapter meets the second Friday of each month at 9:30 a.m at Yorkminster Presbyterian Church on Rt. 17 in York County, Va. Total membership has grown to over 300 members in this very active and diverse group. All skill levels are represented and anyone interested is welcome to attend a meeting as a visitor. Membership dues are $20 per year and are paid in September. All skill levels are represented and anyone interested may attend a meeting as a visitor. For any information please contact
The Tidewater Quilters Guild, Inc., PO Box 62635, Virginia Beach, VA 23462-2635. Tidewater Quilters’ Guild Day Chapter meetings are held at the Azalea Baptist Church at the intersection of Little Creek Road and Camellia Road, Norfolk, VA the first Monday of each month at 9:30 am and the Night Chapter meets at Community United Methodist Church, 1072 Old Kempsville Rd., Virginia Beach, the second Monday of the month at 6:30 pm. Guests are invited to attend the first meeting for free and are encouraged to join at their second meeting. Annual dues are $25. No children are admitted. Contact sueg for more information.
Chesapeake Guild: First Saturday of the Month. Harvest Assembly of God. 525 Kempsville Rd. Chesapeake 23320. 10:00 a.m.
Norfolk Guild: First Monday of the Month. Va Heights Baptist, 1251 Kempsville Rd., Norfolk. 10:00 a.m.
Va Beach Guild: First Monday of the Month. Community United Methodist. 1072 Old Kempsville Rd., Va Beach. 7:00 p.m.
Dolley Madison Quilters Guild meets fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 PM at Dogwood Village Senior Living. We have more than 35 members. Email contact: DMQGVA.
Orange County
Dolley Madison Quilt Guild
We meet the fourth Tuesday, of most months, 6:30 pm at the Orange County Public Works Building, 235 Warren Street, Orange County, VA 22960. We have approximately 50 active members. Email: dmqgva
Bits and Piecers – – Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at
Cottonwood Quilt Shop. Contact Mary Humphrey, (804) 589-1319
Giles County Quilt Guild. This is a newly formed guild in Giles County. We meet the first Thursday of each month at 10:00 for business, programs and classes. The third Thursday of the month we meet to work on projects. Contact Phyllis Thompson at (540) 921-2738 for more information.
Coat of Many Colors Quilt Guild– We are a 25 member guild founded in 2007. We meet at “Threads Run Thru It” quilt shop in Phenix (Aspen) in south central, Va. on the fourth Thursday of each month to share quilting knowledge,ideas,books, resources and tools. Each month we have show and tell, door prizes, teach or demonstrate a technique and fabric swap. Contact Lori at trtiquilts
The Wolf hills quilt guild meets at the Pleasantview UMC.
For more information, contact Nanaandoaoa1@yahoo
Country Piecemakers meet at 9am on the 2nd Saturday each month at the Powhatan Library, 2270 Mann Rd. Ongoing activities: Block of the Month, Brown Bag projects, making baby quilts for the NICU at J-W Hospital, field trips, speakers, workshops, classes, monthly sit-and-stich, raffle quilts, 1-day retreat in March, 4-day retreat in October, and annual holiday brunch. Dues: $20 per year. Info: Sandie Terrien at 804-922-6201 or visit our website.
The River City Quilt Guild meets monthly to share our common love and appreciation of quilting and sewing. We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 at Grove Methodist Church on Tyler Ave in Radford. We have a show and tell, guest speakers, workshops and are involved in community service projects. Contact turpy for more information.
QU’s website at
Richmond Richmond Quilters’ Guild Large guild consisting of 6 chapters. Various locations throughout Richmond, VA – See Website. The Richmond Quilters’ Guild is a group of creative individuals whose common interest is to preserve the tradition and history of our craft while at the same time promoting and encouraging new artistic expression through quilting. We teach, share, and inspire each other and the community during chapter meetings and at public events. Our six chapters participate in community outreach and provide support to multiple organizations serving children and adults both local and regional. The chapters are strategically located throughout the greater Richmond area and visitors are always welcome. Come visit us and you will find talented, friendly people of every skill level who will inspire and amaze you! Email: rvaquiltersguild
Starquilters. Star Quilters Guild
We have over 125 members. The membership year runs May 1 to April 30 and dues are $20 per year. Visitors are always welcome, first visit is free and after that it is $2.00 per meeting. We meet at 7:00 p.m. on the first Monday of the month except for January, July, September, and November when we meet on the 2nd Monday. Location: Christ Lutheran Church, 2011 Brandon Avenue, SW, Roanoke, VA 24015. We usually have Ways and Means at the monthly meetings. Doors open at 6:30 for shopping and fellowship. We do a quilt show every other odd year. We have other activities like charity quilts, busy hands, open sew days, and workshops. Please contact Dawn Schaben at dschaben for more information. Comments: We have two Facebook pages. Star Quilters Guild – both public and private (members only).
Blue Ridge Quilters
We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM at Our Savior Lutheran Church 9068 Cloverdale Road Troutville Virginia 24175. Our Guild participates in serving our community by donating quilts to young adults transforming out of foster care, scent babies and incubator quilts to our local hospitals, Ryan’s Cases for Smiles, fidget quilts, adult bibs, ect. Our yearly dues are $20.00 that help cover programs and guest speakers. We invite you to come join us for fellowship, sewing, and creative ideas. Follow us on Facebook Blue Ridge Quilters. All are welcome!
South Boston
Golden Leaf Quilters Guild meets on the second Tuesday of each month, 10:00 am, at the Washington Coleman Community Center located at 1927 Jeffress Blvd., South Boston, Va. 24592. We have about 30 members who pay $25 a year in dues. We meet at 10:00 am on the second Tuesday of each month at the Washington Coleman Community Center in South Boston, Va. We have local and nationally known quilters as guest speakers, challenges, classes and workshops, ‘Trash to Treasure’ events, ‘Show and Tell’, and community service programs. We welcome quilters of all levels of experience. Contact Nancy at InfoGLQG for more information. EMail: @gmail.comInfoGLQG Comments: We’re a relatively new guild and are a friendly group of quilters who welcome visitors and new members. We gather to have fun and it’s all about quilting!
Appreciation Quilts Workshop Volunteers meets at the First Baptist Church Main St. activity Room on the 3rd Saturday of the month. No dues. We are usually a group of 10 or less working on fabric and supplies that have been donated toward making quilted Wheel Lap Cover and Throws that are donated to active duty and vets. in Nursing home to show our appreciation for their service. Everyone is welcome nonquilters or experts or anyone in between EMail: Ellie @ jacobserj or 434=572-1998
QUILTERS UNLIMITED – Visit QU website at
The Stafford Piecemakers Quilt Guild (SPQG) meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Meetings are held from 7:00-9:00 PM at the John M. Porter Library, 2001 Parkway Boulevard, Stafford, Virginia. We come together on a regular basis to encourage others, share in our knowledge of quilting, and learn new skills in a fun atmosphere. Please contact us at staffordpiecemakers.
Quilters meet the first and third Tuesdays every month at
7:30pm, at Community Lutheran Church, 21014 Whitfield Place. All
levels of quilters are welcome.
Skyline Quilters We meet the first Thursday of the month at 7:00pm. We have a short business meeting followed by a program. We make charity quilts for Davita kidney dialysis, healthy families, children’s hospital, habitat for humanity and many other charities.
Dues are $15.00 a year and includes a monthly newsletter. Ljh2
Stephens City.
The Top of Virginia Quilt Guild meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 1:00pm at Faith Baptist Church in Stephens City. We currently have over 40 members and are constantly growing! We have a Block of the Quarter, President’s Challenge, monthly quilt related programs, and trips to Quilt shows. Please come join us if you can! For more information, contact us at tovaquiltguild
Skyline Quilt Guild meets at the Strasburg Community Center, 726 E Queen St, Strasburg VA. Skyline is a 501c non-profit group. We have about 30 members. We have a short business meeting each month, a demonstration of different techniques and show and tell. We donate quilts to several organizations in three counties where our members live. These include dialysis centers, healthy family clinics and nursing homes. Once or twice a year we have a workshop with a published quilt instructor. We meet the first Thursday of each month at 6:00. We do not meet in January and in July we have a pot luck picnic in the city park. Dues are $15 a year.
EMail: esbreiner51
Suffolk Quilters’ Guild Location: 1st Thursday of each month, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church , 213 N. Main St., Suffolk, VA 23434. We have approximately 40 members who pay $20 annually in dues. We meet on the 1st Thursday of the month at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at 213 N. Main St., Suffolk, VA. Meeting begins at 7 p.m. with social time at 6:30 p.m. We have fat quarter swaps, monthly programs, 8 workshops per year. Contact suffolkquiltersguild for more information.
Tidewater Quilters’ Guild: Day Chapter: second Tuesday @10:00 a.m.OCEAN VIEW SENIOR CENTER, 600 E. Ocean View Ave., Norfolk. Night Chapter second Monday @ 7:00 p.m. Community United Methodist, 1072 Old Kempsville Rd., Va. Beach. Saturday Chapter first Saturday @ 10:00 a.m A Place for Girls. 912 Cedar Road, Chesapeake.
Monday Night Quilters. We meet every Monday night at 7 p.m. at the Victoria Public Library, located at 1417 7th Street in Victoria (one block off of Main Street) We are a very low-key group of about 15 women. We meet weekly to discuss projects. We hold a month-long quilt show in the Victoria Library during November. We do not have speakers or dues. EMail: AuntieAllyn
Unlimited of Northern Virginia
Virginia Beach
The VB Modern Quilt Guild, a chapter of the National MQG, serves quilters interested in the modern quilting movement in Virginia Beach and the surrounding areas. We meet the fourth Saturday of the month at St. John’s Baptist Church on Holland Road in Virginia Beach. During our 2014 Charity Challenge our guild members made and donated 56 quilts to Hopes and Dreams for ALS.
Tidewater Quilters’ Guild, PO box 62635 Va Beach, VA 23466-2635. We have 3 chapters, at 3 different locations, day chapter, night chapter, and Saturday chapter, each meets monthly, with over 200 members. Our dues are $25 per year and you can attend all 3 meetings. We are a very active guild, enjoy many various activities, and bring in regular national teachers for lectures and workshops. Check out our up-to-date website for all ongoing activities and details of our fabulous quilt show in 2022!
Fauquier County Quilters
Tell us about your guild: We have about 40 members that pay $35 a year in dues. We meet at 7 pm on the first Tuesday of the month at Bethel United Methodist Church, 6903 Blantyre Rd, Warrenton, VA 20187. We have workshops, a yearly retreat, monthly basket raffle and we sew for charity. We’d love to have you join us! Our email is fauquierquilters or check out our website.
Piedmont Quilters Meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at10:00 A.M. at Our Savior Lutheran Church, Warrenton, VA. Currently 30 members. For further information: 540-347-3631.
Colonial Piecemakers Guild (CPQG) has been active since 1983 and meets in Williamsburg on the first Saturday morning of every month (except July). Membership in CPQG currently stands at approximately 180 paying members and is open to anyone with an interest in quilting or quilt-related activities. Our goal is to educate, create, and engage with our community by donating finished quilted items to local organizations and supporting the quilting arts and local businesses. The guild has a Facebook presence – – that accepts members and nonmembers. Yearly dues are approximately $35 (depending if it’s a new or renewal membership) and on-site workshops are usually free or at reduced cost to members. Monthly meetings are composed of a business meeting, a speaker, a Show and Tell “parade of quilts” and usually followed by workshops or charity sew-ins. Our Programs committee engages a national or local speaker who present their programs either in person or via communication platforms such as Zoom during the monthly meetings. An annual multi-day retreat takes place usually in the Fall. Contact us at Information.
Queen Bee Quilters. New guild starting in Sept. 2008. Meet first and third Fridays of each month at 1 p.m. in the Gladeville Presbyterian Church in Ridgefield Acres, Wise. Call 276-328-0031 or 276-679-4160 for more information.
Wolf Hills
Wolf Hills Quilters
Cabin Branch Quilters a non-profit organization. Meets the 4th Monday, 7PM, Lake Ridge Baptist Church. Dues $20. Over 150 members of all skill levels. We have block of the month, challenges, block swaps, classes, weekly bees, retreats, programs, an annual quilt show and we participate in various community service projects. Come visit our website and learn more about us and what we can do for you.
Visit our Scrapdash Shop for your quilting needs.
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