35 events found.
The Venice Area Quilters Guild will hold its 21st biennial quilt show “Quilting by the Gulf XXI” on February 28 & March 1, 2026. The show features over 100 beautiful quilts in traditional, modern and art styles, a giant boutique with handmade gift items, peruse merchant stalls selling quilting supplies and fabrics, have scissors sharpened, purchase tickets...
The annual quilt show has over 200 entries judged by an NQA/National Association Certified Quilt Judge each year. The NQG supports local charities with sales from the Boutique and purchasing raffle tickets. Judged Annual Quilt Show. Hundreds of member quilts, including local national award winners. Wall & Bed Quilts, Art, Miniatures, Wearable & Decorative. Boutique...