Every Quilt Tells a Story Quilt Show in Portsmouth RI

The Pennfield School 110 Sandy Point Ave., Portsmouth, Rhode Island

RESCHEDULED Our biennial quilt show will feature over 100 quilts, a raffle quilt, over 15 raffle baskets, a small quilt silent auction to benefit the New England Quilt Museum, vendor’s mall and demonstrations. Other Quilt Shows in Rhode Island


Parade of Quilts in Yoder, KS

Yoder Furniture Company 3405 E Switzer Rd, Yoder, Kansas

Delight in scores of handcrafted quilts of every pattern, color & size.  All our quilts are hand quilted and from many Amish & Mennonite communities around the US. Find them displayed in the Amish community of Yoder, KS  at participating merchants - all within a 2 mile drive of each other.  Pick up your Parade...


Stitches in Time Naples Quilters Guild Annual Show

New Hope Ministries 7675 Davis Blvd, Naples, FL 34104, Naples, Florida

The annual quilt show has over 200 entries judged by an NQA/National Association Certified Quilt Judge each year. The NQG supports local charities with sales from the Boutique and purchasing raffle tickets. Judged Annual Quilt Show.  Hundreds of member quilts, including local national award winners.  Wall & Bed Quilts, Art, Miniatures, Wearable & Decorative.  Boutique...


WSQG Presents Quilts Tell Stories in Waukesha WI

Waukesha County Expo Center 1000 Northview Rd, Waukesha, WI 53188, Waukesha, Wisconsin

DATE IS TENTATIVE. Biennial Show. Email: Medialiaison@wsqg.net Other Quilt Shows in Wisconsin
