Nebraska Quilt Guilds
The Cornhusker State
Find Quilt Shows in Nebraska here. Find Quilt Shops and shop hops in Nebraska here
Nebraska State Quilt Guild Quilt Nebraska is our annual conference each year in July. It is held in different cities around the state. Annual dues are $15. Our newsletter is published six times a year. The Nebraska State Quilt Guild, 6325 Tanglewood Lane, Lincoln NE 68516
The Heartland Quilt Network is an organization of quilting guilds, professional quilt teachers, and quilt shops. The purpose of HQN is to share information with members about programs, workshops, teachers, quilt shows, and quilting events in the 4 state area (and possibly surrounding areas as well) of Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Iowa. Guilds have found this to be especially helpful in sharing teachers with other guilds and shops to help programs be very cost-effective for everyone. Yearly membership is $15.00 per guild, shop, or teacher. The membership fiscal year runs from July 1 – June 30. Yearly membership includes a full directory of all members, quarterly newsletter, and biannual meetings usually held in October and April. At the meetings, members can share information in person. Members have the opportunity to promote: Guilds – meetings, workshops, local teachers, speakers, and quilt shows. Shops – classes and teachers Teachers – lectures and workshops and show samples of their work if they desire.” For information contact: Jane Buckley moc.loa or Sue Miller – @tliuqenajc-moc.xiwc @llimasus
Nimble Thimble Quilt Guild We have about 15 members who pay $15 per year in dues. Our meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of the month,2p.m. at Messiah Lutheran Church. We enjoy various programs given by award-winning quilters and or members, host a yearly quilt show, make and give quilts to various charities, work together on raffle quilt every other year. moc.liamg @riewnotrabc
Pivot Point Quilters of south-central Nebraska draws from Minden, Campbell, Bladen, Blue Hill, Lawrence, Kenesaw, Red Cloud, Superior. Annual dues $15; visit at no charge. Meeting third Monday, 7 pm, Bladen Methodist Church in Bladen. Contact Diane Harris, moc.liamg. Everyone is welcome. Please join us! @sehctitshd
Broken Bow
Custers Last Stitch Quilt Guild meets at the Broken Bow Public Library 7 pm the 4th Monday of the month.
We have over 50 members. Dues are $30. a year. We have special speakers, member lessons, community service projects, trips, and teach all Custer County 4th Graders the Discover Nebraska project. We do lots of other fun things. Guests are welcome to visit.
EMail: ten.pohssbed. Lots of other fun things. Guests are welcome to join us. Broken Bow Public Library, 626 S D, Broken Bow, NE. @yrediorbme
Prairie Patchwork Quilt Guild. We have about 15 members who pay $15 a year in dues. We meet for an all-day sewing session in even months (Feb., April, June, August, October, December.) at Hanna TexStyles studio. In odd months we rotate to member’s homes for an afternoon show and tell. Jerryl Rowse ten.ctcn @eswormit
Cedar Rapids
Piecin’ Pals Quilt Guild meets 1st Wed @ 7:30 pm @ the Community Center in Cedar Rapids (located in Boone county about 20 miles from Albion, Spalding, Fullerton, and Greeley). Dues are $12.00. Guests and new members are very welcome. For more information call Tracy @ 800-657-2157 or email ten.mocpg @rentnezt
Pine Ridge Quilt Guild meets the second Wednesday of each month at Prairie
Pines Lodge, 900 W. 7th Street. Quilters of all ages and skill levels are
welcome; There is a monthly educational program, social and charitable
events and projects, show and tell, optional challenge projects, road trips
and plenty of laughs. Contact Janice at for more information.
Calico Quilt Club (formed in 1981)of Columbus Nebraska meets at the Columbus Library on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 1 PM. Art Group meets most months on the same date at 10 AM. We have Block of the Month quilts, challenges and make a yearly fund raiser quilt. Proceeds go to local charities. Contact Joan at ten.tenreitnorf @jretliuq
Frontier Stitchers are a great group of 15 gals from the Frontier County area in Nebraska. Our dues are $13. We meet on the fourth Monday each month at 7 PM in the Methodist Church located at 402 Center Ave. Some of our annual activities include secret
stitchers, block exchanges, challenges, a Spring Tea, and of course our Christmas Party. The guild helps with the Annual Spring Fling Quilt Retreat held each June at the local college. Contact ten.tenben for more info. @emkrews
Cottonwood Quilters. We have
over 200 members. Dues $20 a year. We meet at on the 3rd Tuesday of the month
10am and 3rd Monday of the month 7:00pm at Bethany Lutheran Church in Elkhorn.
We offer small quilt groups, speakers, classes, yearly quilt retreat, and
quilt show every other year. Contact us at: gro.sretliuqdoownottoc @liame
Fairbury, Rock Creek Quilter’s Guild. We meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month
except June (when we have a tour) and December. Dues are $10 a year and we
have app. 40 members. We have been sponsoring a quilt show in the even
numbered year. There are many projects to keep us busy.
ten.maertsdniw @sraeblegna
Crafty Quilters. We have about 25 members who pay $12 per year dues to learn a
new pattern each month. We meet at 6 pm on the third Thursday at SEW WHAT’s NEW quilt shop at 609 15th Avenue, Downtown Franklin. More Info call Karen, 308-425-3360 or ten.cmtg @nacnudkv
Prairie Piecemakers Needlework Guild, PO Box 1202, Fremont NE
68025 meets the last Monday of each month at 7:30pm at Good Shepherd Church
Grand Island
Prairie Pioneer Quilter, PO Box 675, Grand Island NE 68802
Hastings Quilters Guild, PO Box 442, Hastings NE 68901 meets the 1st Thursday of the month at 7pm at 1st St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Basement.
Thayer County Quilt Guild has 45 members who pay $10 per year in dues.
Included in the dues is a monthly newletter and discount on guild sponsored
classes. We meet at 7 pm on the third Thurday of the month, from August
through May. We meet at the Thayer Co Court House in Hebron. We have a Row by
Row swap, fat quarter swaps, secret stitcher, classes, programs and trips.
Every other year we have a quilt show and on opposite years a mini quilt
auction. Every one is welcome. Contact moc.liamtoh for more
information. @4emtoguoy
Country Crossroad Quilt Guild. Kearney, Nebraska. We have about 85 members who pay $25 a year in dues. We meet at 7pm on the 4th Thursday of the month at First United Methodist Church, 4500 Linden Drive. We have monthly programs which include trunk shows, classes, or group projects. We have a newsletter, fat quarter drawing,secret sister, an annual challenge quilt. We are on Facebook. moc.oohay @swengqcc
Lincoln Quilters Guild Nebraska State Quilt Guild, 2625 Rathbone Road, Lincoln, NE 68502. Annual dues: $20.00
Annual convention (QuiltNebrsaka), mid-year quilt show/merchant mall (Thread Across Nebraska), state fair quilt competition/show, regional quilt gatherings, Discover Nebraska quilt education program, library quilt book project, newsletter (published six times per year). Contact gro.gqsn for more information. @pihsrebmem
Lincoln Modern Quilt Guild. We
meet the last Tuesday of the Month : Jan- Oct at The International Quilt
Study Center and Museum. We also have about 5 sew days when the guild meets
to sew on certain Saturdays. Dues are $35 a year and that includes
membership to the International Modern Quilt Guild. moc.liamg @gqmnlocnil.ofni
Loup City
Threads of Time Quilt Guild. We have about 30 members, we meet on the 3rd Monday of the month
at the Catholic Parish Center. we begin the day with Needles and Friends at 10:30 a fun time to gather to work on projects. the meetings is at 6pm. Dues are $15. yearly. we have special speakers, trunk shows, member presentations, and many other fun things.
EMail: ten.nalcsgge @6raebammom
Piecemakers Quilt Guild, 308-345-5358.
Nebraska City
Heritage Quilt & Needlework Guild, 315 S 16th, Nebraska City NE 68410 meets
the 4th Tuesday at 7pm.
Country Piecemakers Quilt Guild, 509 Norfolk Ave, Norfolk meets the 3rd
Monday of the month (except December) at 7:30pm at Norfolk Senior Center, 307
Prospect St. 85 members. annual quilt retreat 3rd weekend in
February, quilt show every other year, in 1999 September 24-26 during LaVitsef
Time in Norfolk
North Platte
Heartland Quilters’ Guild. We have 60 members and pay $15 a year in dues. We meet at 6:30 PM on the 1st Thursday of the month at the McKinley Education Center at F & Willow. Some of the community projects include: baby quilts for our neonatal intensive care unit, comfort quilts for the Rape and Domestic Abuse organization and cancer hats for our local cancer center. Contact:
moc.liamg @GQdnalH
The Omaha Quilters Guild. One of the largest quilting guilds in the
state. Meets every second Tuesday of the month from September through May.
National speakers, workshops, annual show, block of the month, charitable
projects and much more. Visit our website for more information on meetings,
dues, and fun. Omaha Quilters’ Guild is dedicated to the appreciation of
the art and the craft of quiltmaking through education and participation. We meet the first Tuesday of the month at 7PM. Our meetings are held at the Quilting Place, 11019 I Street, Omaha. We are a newly formed group whose focus is on the modern aesthitic of quilts and quilting. All those interested in quilting are welcome to visit. ten.xoc @niabdl
Memory Stitchers Quilt Guild. Approximately 35 members who pay $10 a year
dues. We meet the 1st Monday of each month at Parkview Meeting Room in Ord. We
have Block of the Month, Secret Stitchers, classes, trips, Round Robins and
small groups interested in applique and miniature quilts. Contact
moc.liamtoh for more information. @1nil_la
Annevar Quilt Guild meet the 4th Monday of each month except December. Meeting place is Seneca Sunrise at 7:00 PM. Dues are $10. Meetings include demonstrations, ideas, speakers and show and tell. We hold an annual quilt show during the town’s annual celebration. Our guild is involved in various community service activities and offer scholarships for higher education. Contact Gwen Stengel for more information at ten.ctcn
We welcome visitors. @legnetsg
Sarpy County
The Braided River Quilters meet the fourth Tuesday of the month (August
thru May) at 7pm in the Midlands Hospital cafeteria. We have a program planned
for each meeting plus fat quarter and door prize drawings.
Blue Valley Quilters,
636 Seward Street, Seward, Nebraska 68434. We have about 50 members who pay
$20 a year in dues. We meet at 7pm on the third Monday of the month, at the
Seward Civic Center. We have a library, do round-robins, mystery quilts,
fabric/theme and UFO challenges. We do a show about every 3 years, do charity
quilts and have bus trips every year.
2 dozen very active members. Dues $15 annually. Meetings: 7:30 P.M, 4th Monday
night of the month, Shelby Senior Center. BOM, Mystery Block, Secret
Stitchers, Birthday Exchange, Heartwarming quilts, Annual Quilt Show.
Kountry Quilts. 40 members who pay $10 per yr in dues. Meets at
7pm the third Thursday of the month. New members always welcome.
Sandhills Piecemakers Guild. We have 26 members who pay $15 a year in dues. We
normally meet on the 4th Monday of the month, 6:30-7:00 P.M., depending on the
season, at the First Baptist Church in Valentine. We have lessons at most
meetings, sew-ins, all day classes with carry-in luncheons, quilt raffles to
benefit charity, charity baby quilt projects,and quilt shows several times a
year that tie in with fair, and community promotions. We meet before every
monthly meeting to socialize and help each other with sewing projects. Contact ten.mocpg for more
information. @regmcc
Wahoo Krazy quilters. We meet the 2nd Friday of the month at the Methodist
Church in Wahoo, Ne Dues are $12/year. We make a raffle quilt for the
Historical Society of Saunders County and a quilt for the Saunders Hospital
Auxilary every year. There are about 30 members in our group.
York Area Quilt Guild. A group of about 25 quilters meet at the The Quilt
Basket, 718 N. Lincoln Ave, York, NE on the first Tuesday of the
month at 7 p.m. From September to May we open with a program or guest speaker,
then refreshments and a short business meeting. We top the night off with Show
and Tell. June, July and August we meet for an informal evening of sewing and
visiting. Contact our local quilt shop for more information at
Visit our Scrapdash Shop for your quilting needs.
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