New Hampshire Quilt Guilds
The Granite State
This page lists information on New Hampshire Quilt Guilds as submitted by the members of the guild. If you find an error or would like to add your guild, please visit the Add/Amend page. If you would like to add your show, use the Add Show page
There is a list of Quilt Shows in New Hampshire. Find a list of Quilt Shops in New Hampshire here.
New Hampshire State Quilters’ Association. New Hampshire State Quilters’ Association. NHSQA is a non-profit organization open to all seeking a forum to gather together for the purpose of furthering the art of quilting through participation, education, promotion, and communication. Meetings are held semi-annual.
Souhegan Valley Quilters’ Guild
As a non-profit group, we support the New England Quilt Museum in Lowell, MA and our own Comfort Closet charity. The Comfort Closet donates quilts to individuals going through life-changing challenges, Project Linus, and Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Currently, there are about 50 members, and welcome quilters of all ages, abilities, styles, and talents. Meetings are generally the second Friday morning at 9:30AM and the third Thursday at 7:00 PM at the Light of the World Church, 273 Elm Street, Milford, NH to be flexible for our members. Check out our FaceBook page for more information.
Bedford Friendship Quilt Guild, Bedford Presbyterian Church, 4 Church Street, Bedford, NH 03110. We currently have 45 members and are happy to report that we have openings for new members! We meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. (10:00 meeting starts) at the Bedford Presbyterian Church in the Fellowship Hall. Dues – $30 p/year. Meetings include a variety of activities: Trunk Shows, Workshops, Education, Show and Tell/Inspiration, BOM, Speakers…We are service-oriented and donate quilts for kids through the Linus Project and Quilts of Valor for our Veterans. For more information contact:
NH Eastcoast Quilters Alliance 3, LLC is a National Organization. There is unlimited open membership. Membership is $12.00 for 1 year or $20.00 for 2 years. Notices on “A Quilters’ Gathering” Conference is sent to members first before being sent to the public. For more information go to or for a brochure, send $3.00 to EQA3, LLC – Brochure, 307 N. Amherst Road, Bedford, NH 03110 Contact: Sarah Glenfield, President for more information.
Material Girls Quilt Guild.
We have about 30 Plus members who pay $10.00 a year in dues. We meet on the
first Monday of the month, at 7pm for a business meeting, and we have a sew
day on the Saturday following our business meeting starting at 9 am. We meet
at the St Kieran Center for the Arts on Emery Street in Berlin. We do a show
every other year in the even years. For more information contact
Pine Needle Stitchers We have about 35 members who pay $10 a year in dues. We meet from 6-8 PM on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Four Pines Quilt Shop. Our meetings include speakers, BOM exchange, fabric exchange, magazine exchange, door prizes and refreshments. Community projects include a block of the month swap for wheelchair quilts for area nursing homes. Contact for more information.
Ctr Barnstead
Country Quilters Guild. We have about 15 members who pay $15 a year in dues. We meet at 7 pm on the 1st Wednesday of every month (Sept – June) at the library in Ctr Barnstead. We are open to quilters of all levels in Barnstead and any surrounding towns. Projects vary each year.
Cocheco Quilters Guild meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the McConnell Center in Dover, NH. We have about 175 members and hold an annual show the third weekend in October. We sponsor guild retreats, monthly speakers, road trips and workshops. All are welcome to visit.
NHSQA is a non-profit organization open to all seeking a forum to gather together for the purpose of furthering the art of quilting through participation, education, promotion and communication. Meetings consist of Lectures, Trunk Shows, Workshops or other educational/inspirational events and are held semi-annual. For more information please visit our website.
Capital Quilters Guild meets at the United Baptist Church, 39 Layfette Street, Concord NH 03301. We have approx 90 members. Yearly dues are $25.00 and meet on the second Friday of the month at United Baptist Church. We have raffles, lectures classes and a bi-yearly quilt show. We make quilts, placemats, pillowcase for donations to varies organizations. Contact us at email: for more information.
Kearsarge Quilters, c/o Jean Hayes, Guild Rep.,64 Deer Path,Contoocook, NH 03229. (603-746-4130) Meets 2nd Monday at 1 PM (No meeting July & August) in members’ homes. Members: 12. For more information , contact
Conway, Material Girls. We have about 45 members. We meet on the first and third Tues. of the month at 9:30 AM at Mountainvale on East Conway Road at the community center. The first Tues. we have classes and the third Tues. we work on quilts for charity. We have no dues or by-laws, just a lot of fun. Contact Gail McClure at for more information.
Coos Quilters meets at the Dalton Town Hall, 741 Dalton Road
We have 23 members who meet twice a month. Our business meeting starts at 1 PM and is the first Tuesday of each month and our workshop meeting starts at 10 AM ans is the third Tuesday of each month. We pay an annual dues fee of $20 at our first meeting in September. Our meetings run from September through the first Tuesday in June. We work on charity projects throughout the year. Email:
Seacoast Modern Quilt Guild
Location: 4 Front Street, Exeter NH
Seacoast Modern Quilt Guild promotes the art and craft of modern quilting by creating a welcoming environment for quilters of all experience levels to learn exciting, new concepts and techniques. We meet on the first Saturday of every month at the Exeter Public Library (4 Chestnut Street, Exeter NH). Doors open at 9:30, meeting starts at 10 and we wrap up by noon. We have speakers at most meetings – topics usually focused on design, color and learning new techniques. We also do a block-of-the-month, show-and-tell, various projects and swaps (fabric, orphan blocks, etc.). We support local charities through the making and donation of quilts. We are based in the Seacoast area of New Hampshire, but our members come from NH, MA, ME. Dues are $50 per year and members get access to the national Modern Quilt Guild site, with special programs and discounts. No charge for non-members to attend first meeting, $10 per meeting for non-members after that. Email:
Goffstown Quilters
We meet year round on the 2nd Friday of the month at 6:30 pm at the Litchfield Fire Rescue Fire Station 10 Liberty Way, Litchfield, NH. We are a small guild with about 25 members. We bring in outside speakers a few times a year and have members present programs on other months during the year. We have a members only holiday potluck banquet in December and a end of year banquet in June. Contact Celeste Catano at for more information.
Hannah Dustin Quilters Guild
The guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to the art and craft of quilting. There are currently about 120 members from beginners to pros. Monthly meetings are held from September through June, typically on the first Monday of the month at Lions Avenue, Hudson, NH 03051Annual dues are $25 and run from July through June and include 9-10 newsletters. Meetings begin at 9 AM with a business section, show and tell, a social period, and a program. Most programs feature a speaker. Other programs might include activities to support one of our charities. The guild’s primary charities are David’s House in Lebanon, NH, and the New England Quilt Museum in Lowell, MA. An annual raffle quilt is a group effort with the drawing held at our annual quilt show in late April or early May. If you have any questions, please go to the website for contact information.
Cheshire Quilters Guild
The Cheshire Quilters’ Guild was founded in 1988 and is a non-profit membership organization providing educational opportunities on quilting through monthly meetings, workshops, guest speakers and fellowship. Quilters of all levels, as well as anyone interested in quilting are more than welcome to attend and join. Location: Cheshire County Courthouse 12 Court Street; 2nd Floor, Keene, NH 03431. Annual dues are $25. Email:
Belknap Mill Quilters’ Guild meets at the Belknap Mill, 25 Beacon St E, Laconia, NH on the second Wednesday of every month. Our “Hybrid” meetings are conducted both in-person and via Zoom, and begin at 7:00 pm. (2020) For those attending in person, we gather at 6:30 pm for light snacks and social time. In September, we hold our Annual Harvest of Quilts Show/Mysterious Quilt Journey. The 2021 show will be held in downtown Laconia. Each year we create a raffle quilt with the winner drawn at our Harvest of Quilts Show.
We are very proud of our activities in support of the local community. Our members make and donate 200+ comfort quilts annually. We provide monetary donations to the Lakes Region Scholarship Fund, local food banks, Laconia Got Lunch Program and other area care-providing organizations. We host classes and guest speakers throughout the year and enjoy sharing our finished projects during “Show & Tell” at nearly every meeting. Please consider joining our quilt guild! Membership dues are $25 annually, or you may attend our meetings as a guest for only $5 per meeting. For more information about our Guild, please visit our website or email
Northern Lights Quilt Guild meets in person April through December at 6:30 PM on the second Wednesday each month at the Lebanon Methodist Church, 18 School St., Lebanon, NH. For January through March, we meet on Zoom. The meeting typically consists of a short business meeting, program or speaker, and show & tell. The guild also has an annual challenge, block of the month and community quilts. Please contact NLQG at for more information. Happy Quilting!
Heritage Quilter’s Guild
We meet year round on the 2nd Friday of the month at 6:30 pm at the Litchfield Fire Rescue Fire Station 10 Liberty Way, Litchfield, NH. We are a small guild with about 25 members. We bring in outside speakers a few times a year and have members present programs on other months during the year. We have a members only holiday potluck banquet in December and a end of year banquet in June. Contact Celeste Catano at for more information.
Heritage Quilter’s Guild has up to 50 members who pay $20 a year in dues. We meet at 7pm on the second Friday of the month at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 673 Weston Road, Manchester, NH 03103. Contact – Celeste Catano at
Amoskeag Quilters Guild We meet on the third Thursday of the month at the Emmanuel Baptist Church, 14 Mammoth Road, Hooksett, NH September through May-banquet held in June. The meeting starts at 7 pm. We feature nationally known speakers at least twice a year, as well as local speakers and quilt instructors. Send an email to or a SASE to Amoskeag Quilters’ Guild, P.O. Box. 4116, Manchester, NH 03108
Souhegan Valley Quilters’ Guild
meets at the Light of the World Christian Church 273 Elm Street, Milford, NH
The Souhegan Valley Quilters’ Guild is a small non-profit quilting guild based in the greater Amherst, NH area, with members from many surrounding towns. We meet two times a month, the second Friday at 9:30 AM and the third Thursday at 7 PM. We would love to have you join us! EMail:
The Country Village Quilters’ Guild meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 1:30 PM. Yearly dues are $15 and visitors are welcome to attend a meeting. We raffle a quilt every two years and our sister guild is the Ladies of the Lake. Check us out on Facebook or contact Martha billings at
Monadnock Quilters Guild. The MQG meets on the third Friday of the month from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm at the Divine Mercy Parish Hall in Peterborough, NH.
New Hampshire Modern Quilt Guild Meetings are at 7 pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month at First Church of Nashua, 1 Concord St., Nashua NH. We are a supportive and warm group of about 55 members. You are welcome to visit a meeting. If you decide to join our dues are $60 per year which includes membership in the national Modern Quilt Guild. We have two retreats each year, one in Maine and one on Cape Cod. Members make a number of charity quilts both individually and as a group. At our meetings, we have a presentation or workshop, plus show and tell, and time for socializing. We also have a sewing bee every other month in Amherst NH. For more information email us at and check out our website!
Soo Nipi Quilters Guild We have approximately 75 members and meet the third Thursday of each month at the South Congregational Church in Newport from 10 – 2pm. Dues are $30/year. Biannual quilt show at the Library Arts Center, Newport, raffle quilts, lots of charity quilts, and great programs. Come join us! Guild Contact Information
Monadnock Quilters’ Guild
MQG draws passionate quilters from around the Monadnock area. We are 110 quilters strong, both women and men! Our monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Friday of almost every month, beginning at 6pm and continuing through Show ‘N Tell, ending about 9pm, at Divine Mercy Church, 12 Church Street, Peterborough, NH. Meetings feature a presenter, a short business meeting, block of the month, and monthly raffle bags. All are welcome!! Check our our website for current meeting dates, photos from our 2024 Fall Festival of Quilts Show and/or to contact us. We hope to see you soon! Email:
Plaistow NH (border of Haverhill MA)
Merrimack Valley Quilters Guild is composed of over 180 members – from young adults to seniors, and beginners to advanced quilters. The guild was formed in 1980 to encourage and develop the art of craft of quilting locally. MVQ meets the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m., September through June, in the Holy Angels Church Hall, 8 Atkinson Road (Rte. 121 off Rte. 125), Plaistow, NH, Guest meeting fees are $5 ($10 for national speakers), and annual membership dues are $30 ($25 for senior citizens).
Cocheco Quilters Guild
Country Roads Quilt Guild meets 2nd Monday at 7 PM Rochester Community Center Wakefield Street Members: 25
Souhegan Valley
Quilter’s Guild. P.O. Box 113 Amherst N.H. 03031
Peacemakers Quilt Guild, Holy Cross Episcopal Church, Weare, NH, 2nd Wed of each month,6:30 to 9:00 pm. We have about 20 members. Activities throughout the year are round robins, swaps, mystery quilts, sewing days, and a raffle quilt to benefit different causes. Come visit to see what we are all about. Contact for more information.
Whitefield Needlers meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at the Whitefield Advent Christian Church, School Street. We do several group charity projects each year as well as individual activities.
Ladies of the Lakes Quilters’ Guild
We have about 140 members . We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wed 10-2 at the First
Congregational Church 115 South Main St, Wolfeboro, NH .
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