Ontario and Quebec Quilt Guilds
Ut incepit fidelis sic permanet
Find Quilt Shows in Ontario and Quebec here.
The mission of the Canadian Quilters Association is to promote and celebrate quilting and Canadian quilters by preserving the traditions of those who have come before us while looking to new and creative ways to enhance quilting for the present and future. CQA is dedicated to preserving the traditions of quilting, supporting current trends in quilt making, and providing a forum for Canadian quilters of all ages and levels to share and learn about the Canadian quilting scene. CQA works with individuals, professionals, guilds, and the industry through its annual conference and workshops, its magazine, social media, the certified judging program, and its various programs and events.
Quilting Corners Guild. Quilting Corners Guild welcomes members of all abilities. We meet at St Johns United Church at 7pm on the first Tuesday or each month, except January. Annual membership is $35. The guild offers a variety of activities including challenges, community outreach programs, lecturers and workshops.
Ancaster Quilter’s Guild We are a guild of 125 members who meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from September to June at Marshall Memorial United Church 20 Gilbert Ave. Ancaster, Ontario. Our doors open at 6 p.m. and meetings begin at 7 p.m. aqgmembers@outlook.com
Arnprior District Quilt Guild. We meet on the fourth Wed. of each month from Sept. to June at the Christian Education Centre, 257 John St. N. in Arnprior. 6:30-9 PM Cost is $20. annually, guests are $5. We have a show and tell, guest speakers, a block of the month, and contribute to charities each year. Contact, or email us at arnpriorquilters@gmail.com
North Hastings Quilt Club
We promote the craft of quilting by sharing creative ideas while building friendships and expanding our knowledge
We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Faraday Community Center at the corner of Hwy 28S and Lower Faraday Rd at 9:30 am to approximately 3:00 pm. We bring our sewing machines and projects as well as our lunch and spend a fun day together Email: northhastingsquiltclub@gmail.com
Comments: Everyone is welcome.
Simcoe County Quilters’ Guild meets the 4th Thursday of every month from September to June at 1:00pm at the Army Navy Air Force (ANAD) on George Street. Guests are welcome to attend our meetings for a cost of $5.00. Our membership fees per year are $30.00. sherriw@sympatico.ca
Kempenfelt Quilters’ Guild
The Kempenfelt Quilters’ Guild is a group of new and experienced quilters who enjoy everything quilting. We love traditional, contemporary, and modern quilting designs. We share techniques and learn new methods from simple to challenging, in a friendly monthly meeting.
We meet at 7:00 pm, the third Thursday of every month at the Lions Gate Banquet Hall, 386 Blake Street, Barrie. We have about 80 members and our membership fee is $40 per year which runs from September to August. Guests are welcome to meetings for a $5 fee.
Our meetings feature member trunks show, guest speakers, demo nights, holiday potluck dinners and workshops. We also have daytime drop-in sewing days at a local church to make donation quilts. We love to give to our community. Our quilt guild donates to many worthy charitable causes annually. Our members are always there to support the needs of our community and willing to give much more than is needed. Email: info@kqg.ca
Quinte Quilters’ Guild. Meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Recreation Centre, 116 Pinnacle Street. We have speakers, demos, show and tell. Contact: guildexecutive@quintequiltersguild.ca Visit our website.
Binbrook Country Quilters’ Guild
Binbrook Country Quilters Guild meets at 2:00 pm Binbrook United Church, 2617 Binbrook Rd., Binbrook, On. A small guild that has between 20 and 30 members. Membership dues are $50 annually. Meetings are 2:00 – 4:00 pm the last Monday of the month Sept – Nov and Jan – June. We host a few guest speakers every year, and run demos and lessons for the remaining meetings. Currently monthly events include a block swap, a block of the month, and a quilt challenge. email: helenmaryhubert@gmail.com
Village Quilters Bobcaygeon
We meet on the second Tuesday of the month, 1 PM, at Trinity Providence United Church September-June, 85 Dunn Street, Bobcaygeon, ON, K0M 1A0 ($40). We strive to provide a variety of learning opportunities while sharing quilting experiences that promote quilting: past, present, and future. May-October we have sewing days ($5) at The Wray House located within Kawartha Settlers’ Village where we learn new skills, work on individual or community outreach projects and socialize. Please visit us there in June to have your quilts recorded in our Quilt Registry program providing a permanent record for the future.
Email: info@SettlersVillageQuilters.ca
The Pine Tree Quilters’ Guild of Muskoka
Tell us about your guild: Our Guild offers a supportive environment for the sharing of our quilting passion and the exchange of ideas and methods, education resources and activities. This is done though speakers, demonstrations, workshops & lectures. We have a robust lending library. We support the community through an outreach programme. Meetings for our 140 members are held on the second Thursday of the month from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the Bracebridge Memorial Arena and/or via Zoom.
Email: muskokaquilts@gmail.com
Brampton Quilters Guild– meets at the Loafer’s Lake Recreation Centre, 30 Loafer’s Lake Lane, Brampton, Ontario on the fourth Thursday of each month (Sept-June) 730-930 pm. Approximately 125 members with workshops for all levels, community projects, guest speakers and friendship. Contact bqguild@yahoo.ca for more information. Guild Mailing Address: Brampton Quilters’ Guild Inc., 150 Clark Blvd., Suite 53, Brampton, ON L6T 4Y8 mccawfamilyca@yahoo.ca
Brant Heritage Quilters We are 100 members strong. Membership is $25 annually. We meet on the second Thursday of the month at St George United Church at 7:30 pm. For more information, visit our website.
The Thousand Islands Quilters’ Guild meets at the Royal Canadian Legion, 180 Park Street, Brockville, ON on the 4th Thursday evening of the month at 7 PM. No meetings December, January, July, and August. We have 120 members. Yearly membership is $30. Visitors welcome for a fee of $5. We have a block of the month, workshops, retreats, and guest speakers. We also do charity quilts and quilt raffles. thousandislandsquiltersguild@yahoo.com
The Halton Quilters Guild meets monthly on the first Thursday (September to June) at Mainway Recreation Centre, 4015 Mainway Drive, Burlington L7M 2L7. The doors open at 6:00 pm with the meeting / speaker presentation beginning at 7:00 pm. Come early to chat with others who share your love of quilting. Visit the “Marketplace” area to hand in the Block of the Month, sign up for Workshops and Sew Days, pick up Comfort (charity) Quilt and Halton Heart kits and drop off completed items. We have 111 members who pay an annual membership fee of $40.00. We are looking forward to hosting our “Stitches in Our Time” Quilt Show on May 30 and 31, 2025. Email: haltonquilters@gmail.com
Caledonia Grand River Quilters’ Guild – Caledonia Grand River Quilters Guild meets on the 2nd Wednesday, 7 pm, September through June. We have additional sewing days and UFO days and a separate Scrappy Club. Block swaps, challenges, charity quilt-making, quilt book library, monthly raffle draw. Annual membership $50. helenmaryhubert@gmail.com
Busy Hands Quilters Guild. We have about 45 members who pay $30.00 a year in dues. We meet at 9:30 am on the third Monday of each Month at Preston Scout House, 1580 Queenston Road, Cambridge, Ontario N3H 3L9. We do a great deal of charity work for our community. Our monthly meetings usually include an interesting program and afternoon workshops that you may take part in if you choose. We also do a block of the month, all day workshops, shop hops, cuddle quilts, and other challenges. Contact Pauline @519-620-0936 for more information.
Chatham-Kent Quilters Guild
We are a guild with over 100 Members, we meet the 3rd Thursday of every month except December at 7 pm. St Paul’s Congegational Church 450 Park Ave West n Chatham. You can contact ckquiltguild@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Collingwood Ontario and Wasaga Beach
Slope to Slope Quilters Guild
Our guild is active and growing! We meet on the first Thursday of the month, 7-9 pm, September through June, at the Wasaga Beach RecPlex, Oakview Room, 1724 Mosley St., Wasaga Beach, Ontario. L9Z 1Z8. Drop in as a guest for $8/meeting or join for $40/yr. We offer guest speakers, sew days and classes, annual sewing challenges, community sewing initiatives such as charity quilts, etc. Join us for fun and friendship. Email: slopetoshorequiltersguild@gmail.com for details on how to join or attend a meeting as a guest.
Cornwall Quilters Guild meets every third Monday evening, September to May at St. Mathews Lutheran Church, 1509 Second St West, at 7 pm. We have about 66 members. We meet for a Casual Monday every 1st Monday of the month. We have block of the month, challenges, workshops and programs. We have a quilt show every other year. For information e mail cornwallquiltersguild@gmail.com
Clarington Quilt Guild We meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month, at Faith United Church, 1778 Nash Road, Courtice, Ontario. L1E 2L9 Doors open at 6:30p.m. Guild Membership is $35.00-Guests welcome $5.00 per visit. Our Program includes Technique, Inspiration, Demonstrations, BOM, and a Community Care Program. For further information contact Joyce O’Connell joysquilts@rogers.com
Sunset Country Quilters’ Guild meets the 4th Tuesday of each month. We meet at 84 St. Charles Street at 7 pm. Membership is $30 per year. We do a number of charity events in our community, we offer workshops, retreats, block of the month, and have a Quilt Show at the end of April in the even-numbered years. Visitors are warmly welcomed. Contact us at drydenguild@gmail.com or check out our website for more information.
East Toronto.
Yorkshire Rose Quilter’s Guild. We have approximately 130 members who meet the second Wednesday of every month, at the Birchmount Collegiate Institute. Our membership fee of $30.00 yearly covers the cost of a monthly newsletter, library books, supplies for charity projects, rental of the facility, and organization of upcoming quilting shows. Contact deb@kopeschny.ca for more information.
East Toronto
Yorkshire Rose Quilters Guild. We have 70 members who enthuisiastically learn from one another and share our love of quilting with the community through show, sales, and fundraisers. We meet at Danforth Mennonite Church, 2174 Danforth Avenue. 7:30 p.m. deb@kopeschny.ca
The Elmira Needle Sisters – We are a small group of 40 interesting and talented women that meet on the fourth Monday of every month in the Elmira Mennonite Church at 7:00 pm. Every year we do charitable work for the community and participate every two years in the St. Jacob’s Quilt Show. Visitors are welcome.
Etobicoke Quilters Guild.
We are a thriving group of people who gather regularly to express their creativity through all aspects of quilting. Members have access to our bright and spacious fibre art studio two days per week, where they can work on projects in a supportive and helpful environment. As part of your membership of the Guild, you can also join our monthly meetings where we have speakers from all walks of the quilting world. EQG has almost everything a quilter could ask for: layout tables, cutting boards, rulers, rotary cutters, and sewing machines – just bring your fabric and ideas. We are able to offer a number of different programmes and learning opportunities across a variety of levels of ability. Why not come along and share the projects you have been working on?
Please feel free to pop in to Studio C, Neilson Park Creative Centre, 56 Neilson Drive, M9C 1V7 on a Monday or Wednesday between 9am and 4pm and see for yourself what we do, or come along as a guest to our monthly meeting. Email: info@etobicokequitersguild.com
The Grand Quilt Guild We meet on the second Wednesday of each month. We generally have between 120-140 members. New members and guests are always welcome (Sept.-June) at 7:30. Fergus Legion, 500 Blair St. Fergus, Ontario. Email: thedaggz@gmail.com
Niagara Heritage Quilters Guild
The Niagara Heritage Quilters’ Guild was founded in 1980 and has approximately 150 members. We meet at 6:30 pm on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Royal Canadian Legion, 141 Hwy#20 E., Fonthill, ON. Each meeting we have quest speakers draws and show and tell. We support various giving back initiatives such as Community Quilts for fire victims. Hospice Niagara, Kristen French Advocacy Centre, Meals on Wheels, and Neonatal Quilts. For more information visit our website at www.niagaraquiltersguild.com or send us an e-mail at nhqginformation@gmail.com
Halton Hills Quilters Guild. Meets at the Cultural Centre, 9 Church St., Georgetown, on the fourth Monday of each month (Sep-Nov, Jan-Jun) 7:15 pm. Approx. 80 members, all skill levels. Yearly dues $40.00, Visitors $5.00/mtg. Join us for outreach, block of the month, tinners, library, show & share.
Common Thread Quilt Guild’s web page.
Goderich Quilters’ Guild. We have 45 members who pay $35 a year in dues. We meet once a month on the 2nd Tuesday. Our meetings include mini demos, guest speakers, truck shows, mini workshops, BOM, plus a show & share segment. Members work on “care quilts for the Women’s Shelter and palliative care families in the community. We welcome quilters from beginners to expert. wickied@hurontel.on.ca
Grimsby Quilters’ Guild. We have over 80 members who pay $30 a year in dues. We meet at 7 pm on the third Thursday of the month at the Livingston Activity Centre in Grimsby. We offer program speakers, workshops, show-and-tell, open sew days, and a community outreach program. All interested guests of any quilting level are welcome. Please visit and bring a friend if you wish. grimsbyquiltersguild@gmail.com
Royal City Quilters’ Guild meets the second Tuesday each month from September until June. They meet at Three Willows United Church (formerly Westwood United Church), 577 Willow Road. Guests are always welcome. Contact Shelly Palframan (519) 824-0768 for more information.
Gwillimbury Quilt Guild meets at the Sharon-Hope Unitd Church, 18648 Leslie St., Sharon, On., L0G 1Vo. Our website provides excellent insight into the fun, and experiences we share supporting local charities, during meetings, at worshops and our monthly Sit and Sew Mornings. We host a Quilt Show every other year, our next one scheduled for 2020. Comments: We are a small, very social group, membership is capped at sixty, so please come out and enjoy!
Haldimand Quilter’s Guild. We have about 45 members who pay $20 a year in dues. We meet the first Monday of the month at 7pm September through June at the Hagersville United Church. We have a block of the month, either a guest speaker or mini demonstration (sometimes a trunk show)as well as a work night once a month for those who want to participate or need extra help and we do a quilt show in odd years. Contact Diane macbrides@sympatico.ca for more information
Haliburton Highlands Quilter Guild meets at the Stanhope Community Centre, 1095 North Shore Rd, Algonquin Highlands
We have 80 members who pay $25 per year in dues. We meet the second Wednesday of each month. We start a “sew and make friends” in the mornings at 9:00am where we work on either our own projects, get help or work on community quilts. Meeting starts at 1pm with a guest speaker and sometimes a trunk show. Guests are welcome at a fee of $5.00 Workshop are usually arranges for the next day when possible EMail: janet@janknitsstudio.com
Hamilton Quilters Guild
We have about 140 members who pay $35 a year for membership. We need at 7:00 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, September to August, at The Church of Resurrection, 435 Mohawk Rd. W., Hamilton. We have guest speakers, workshops, cuddle quilts for charity. We have a Quilt Show every 2 years, the next one being June 2020. EMail: membermail@hamiltonquiltguild.ca
Perth Quilters Guild. Stonetowne Quilters Guild. For More Information, contact Darlene Roger or Sandra Wilson at 519 – 229-8721 or 519- 284- 2771
Oxford Quilters Guild, We meet on the first Wednesday,7 pm and Thursday,9 am of each month at the Ingersoll Creative Art Centre, 125 Centennial Lane (in Victoria Park). Workshops, retreats,group projects. Quilt Show bi-annually.
The Upper Canada Quilters’ Guild meets at the Royal Canadian Legion, Iroquois
We have between 85-90 members. Yearly dues are $30. We meet the First Thursday of the month at the Iroquois Legion from September ot June. EMail: moniuqe.lavignepatenaude@gmail.com
The Kanata Quilt Guild. We are a daytime guild of 100 members. We meet the second Wednesday of the month from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon, September to June. Meetings are held at the Glen Cairn United Church, 140 Abbeyhill Dr, Kanata, Ontario. For further information contact Kanataquiltguild@hotmail.com or see our website.
Kemptville Quilter’s Guild
Guild Meetings are on the second Monday of the month (except for holiday Mondays) at 7:00 pm at the Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Road # 43 West , Kemptville, Ontario. Contact Teresa Harrison at teresa.harrison@gmail.com or kemptvillequiltguild@gmail.com for information. *Currently meeting by zoom. Home on the Farm Quilt Show & Tea Room planned for August 19 & 20, 2022. See us at the IPM in September 2022!
Lake of the Woods Quilter’s Guild. We have approx. 85 members who pay $25 dues yearly. We meet at 7 PM on the second Thurs of the month at St. Louis Catholic Church at 912 Superior St in Keewatin, ON. There is usually an educational presentation at the monthly meetings. We sponsor 1-3 full-day or weekend workshops each year and host a quilt show annually. dandjmoorey@shaw.ca
Kingston Heirloom Quilters. We have about 60 members who pay $30 a year in dues. We usually meet the first Tuesday and third Thursday of each month at St. Johns Anglican Church Hall in Portsmouth Village, from 9:30 am to 3 pm and 7-9 pm. We work together on group quilts and also have a block of the month, workshops, trunk shows, raffle blocks, trips, and make baby quilts for the Kingston General Hospital. We have a show every three to four years. For more information, see our website or email khq@quiltskingston.org.
Huron Perth Quilters Guild 100 members that meet the second Tuesday of the month from Sept to May. Piecemakers Quilt Show jointly presented biennially with the Stonetowne Guild.
Lambton Shores
North Lambton Quilt Guild – meets the 4th Wednesday of the month at the Port Franks Hall – for 2010/11. Dues are $30.00 annually. Workshops, teaching seminars, block of the month. fat quarter shops, pro bono quilts. Contact nlqguild@gmail.com for more information
Limestone Quilters’ Guild. We have roughly 130 members who pay $25 a year in dues. We meet at 7:15 pm on the first Wednesday of the month at The Senior’s centre in Kingston. We have a block of the month, trunk shows, mini workshops, a library and Show and Tell. Community Quilts are donated to various charities. A Quilt Show is organized every 4 years.
Erie Shores Quilters’ Guild. We are a progressive group of about 100 men and women who meet once a month ( except November (Christmas Party) and December in Kingsville Ontario on the shores of lake Erie at the Kingsville Arena 2nd floor at 7p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month. We hold workshops, Trunk Shows, Lectures and develop friendships and develop our skills. New members are always welcome. kparrgignac@yahoo.ca
Huron,Perth Quilters Guild. We have about 100 members and fees are $30 per year. Meeting at 9a.m. the second Tuesday of the month from Sept to May. Lot of community outreach projects, venders each month along with several speakers and trunk show each year. Biennial quilt show with the Stonetowne Guild. Contact jdroger@quadro.net for more information.
The Waterloo County Quilters Guild. We have about 250 members who pay $35 a year. Meetings are the third Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm and 7:30 pm, with guest speakers at most meetings. We meet at the Parkside Community Room of the Parkside Arena in Waterloo. Members enjoy an extensive library, a scrap bank and an inspirational show and tell. Workshops offered for members. We focus on numerous Community Outreach Projects, listed on our website. Our quilt show is held biennially. For more complete information visit our website or email us at wcqg@wcquiltersguild.on.ca.
Lindsay Creative Quilters’ Guild We are a guild of about 160 members and we meet every 2nd Monday of the month except for October. December and June are members only for our luncheons. We meet at Celebrations (former Queen St. United Church) 35 Lindsay St. N. Lindsay Ontario from 1 pm till 3;30 pm. We have workshops, show & share, Programs with speakers from all over with their trunk shows, sew days, BOM is every third Wed of the month. Our Quilt Shows are every 2nd year in the odd year. Our Show is being held at the Lindsay Curling Club 18 Peel St. Lindsay. We have approximately 200 quilts, Presidents Challenge, vendors, many displays, members boutique, draws for many items, and of course our Quilt draw on a Queen size Quilt (pattern Glory Bound) plus 5 other items. New Members are always welcome. Please come and visit us at our meetings as well as our Quilt Show. Hope to see you there! lindsaycreativequiltersguild@gmail.com
Meetings 1st Tuesday of the month Sept to June, 7pm, Annesley United Church, 82 Toronto St. Markdale Ont. N0C1H0. thequeensbushquilters@gmail.com
Georgian Quilters Guild. Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month in the Meaford Opera House, Sykes St. at 1:30 p.m. We host speakers, give workshops, do mystery and BOM quilts, have a community quilt program and take occasional bus trips.
Cawthra Senior’s Centre Celebrating our 25th year. We have 200 members who pay $35 annually ($25 for seniors). We meet at 7:30pm on the first Thursday of the month (except July and August) at the Cawthra Senior’s Centre. Quilt show every other year in odd numbered years. We have guest speakers, block of the month draw, workshops, lending library, show and tell.
Mississauga Quilters Guild We have about 180 members who pay $45 a year in dues. We meet at 7:30 on the first Thursday of the month (except July and August) at the Tomken Twin Arenas. We have speakers, workshops, block of the month draw, charity quilts and a raffle quilt at our quilt show every four years. Please visit our website.
Very active guild of over 80 members. Meetings every Tuesday evening 7-10 and every Thursday 10 – 4. Demos every Tuesday, special classes all day some Saturdays. All at the historic Seamans Hospital on the shores of the Miramichi River. We also have retreats, charity quilt donations, library and fabric swaps and sales. more info? barbara@barbaraelias.com
Heritage Quilters Guild meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month from Sept to June. At the Strathcona Paper Center, Napanee, Ontario at 7p.m. Guest always welcome. Guest speakers, trunk shows, challenges, Block of the month, Show and Tell, Library.
The Region of York Quilters Guild began in 1985 with 25 members. Our membership has grown to 175 today and we now boast some nationally and internationally renowned quilters and teachers. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month from September through May. We host a major quilt show every two years and hold an annual quilting retreat on alternate years. As a guild we support many local charities through our “Outreach Committee” has supplied quilts to local police forces, women’s shelters, and preemie units in our local hospitals. Each month we have a block of the month swap, show and tell, mystery quilts, quilt challenges, a monthly newsletter, and lots of wonderful workshops. More information is available on our website.
Niagara Region (St Catharines)
Rainbow Country Quilters is a quilters’ guild comprised of members from the Niagara area who want to share their quilting experience and knowledge. For more information e-mail us at info@rainbowcountryquilters.ca or visit our Facebook page.
This is a chapter of the Modern Quilting Guild based in Nobleton, Ontario. It is our intention to travel to various locations in Southern Ontario on a rotating basis. We will be having swaps, workshops, Block of the Month, charity work and seminars, conducted with the principles of modern quilting intermingled with the traditional. Contact bellina50@hotmail.com for more information.
Quaker Quilt Guild meets at 89 Stover St N, Norwich, ON N0J 1P0. We are a small guild with about 30 members. We meet at Royal Canadian Legion Branch 190 on the second Monday of the month at 9:30 AM. The cost is $40 per year. We have a block of the month, show and share and classes, technique month. We have guest speakers. We have a quilt show every other year. But most of all we have fun and learn from each other. We make charity quilts and have donated them to various charities including Ronald MacDonald House, Victoria Quilts, Project Linus and wheelchair quilts for a local nursing home. Contact cpieters@gmail.com.
Dufferin Piecemakers Quilting Guild. We meet at the Orangeville Event Centre on the third Monday of the month. Dues are $40.00 per year and $8.00 for visitors. Contact at: guild@dufferinpiecemakers.org
Orillia Quilters’ Guild meets at the Royal Canadian Legion, 215 Mississaga St. E. Orillia ON L3V 1W2, on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 p.m. The mission of the guild is to promote interest and excellence in quilting. Monthly meetings include guest speakers, show and share, demonstrations and a social time. With a membership of approximately 100, the Orillia Quilters’ Guild offers workshops, a President’s challenge and opportunities for community outreach. Membership dues are $40 for the year and $5.00 per meeting for guests.
Ganaraska Quilters Guild We have about 60 members and meet on the last Wednesday of the month at 7:15 September to June. The address is 200 Station St W in the seniors activity centre. We have a membership fee of $35.00. We have a fabric exchange, workshops, retreat and much more. Loiswilson@explornet.ca
Durham Trillium Guild .
Location: The in-person meetings will be held at the DeStefano Funeral, Celebration, and Reception Centre. The address is 1289 Keith Ross Drive, Oshawa ON L1J 0C7.
The Durham Trillium Quilters Guild meets the second Monday of every month, from September through June. For the 2024-2025 guild year we will have in-person meetings and virtual meetings for the 3 winter months.
For in person meetings, the doors open at 6:45 PM and the meeting starts at 7:00 PM. The in-person meetings will be available to attend virtually as well, via Zoom, in case of illness or being away. For virtual-only meetings, the meetings open at 6:30 PM for a virtual chat and get-together, and the actual event starts at 7:00 PM.
If a 2nd Monday of the month conflicts with a holiday, a new date will be determined for that meeting and will be communicated to members and posted on this website.
We have a very active guild with over 100 members. Guild fee is $40 per year and this gives you access to the many in-person and virtual activities we run each month. We also have a large library and Community Quilt program that makes a distributes quilts, pillow cases, placemats, and much more to various organizations in our community.
For much more information about our Guild please visit our website https://durhamtrilliumquiltersguild.ca We look forward to meeting you in the future and sharing our love of quilting with you. Email: dtqguild@gmail.com
Almonte Quilters Guild Active guild just west of Ottawa,Ontario. Monthly meetings September-June (no meeting in December) are held on the third Monday at the Civitan Centre in Almonte. Visitors and new members are always welcome.
Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild.
We are an active guild of about 175 members that meets usually every second Monday of the month at the church from 7:30-9:30PM Sept until June. We also offer a zoom component at each meeting plus zoom sew days monthly and zoom workshops as well as in person sew days and workshops. As a result, we have members spanning all over North America. We meet at the Riverside United Church at 3191 Riverside Drive here in Ottawa. For further information please visit our website.
Email: president@ottawavalleyquiltersguild.org
QuiltCo is a small group of 30-plus members. We meet the second Monday evening of every month except July and August at Trinity Anglican Church in Old Ottawa South. Our focus is on co-operation and helping each other. Check out our web site for the story of the flying geese which gave us our original inspiration and for more information.
Owen Sound
Bluewater Quilters’ Guild
Location: 769 2nd Av E, Owen Sound, Ontario
Bluewater Quilters’ Guild meets 10 times a year, at 7PM by Zoom or in person at the Harry Lumley Bayshore CC, 1900 3rd Av E, Owen Sound. Featuring guest speakers, community project updates and Show & Share. Our drop-in centre, Pauline’s Place is located at 769 2nd Av E, Owen Sound. Check our website www.bluewaterquiltersguild.ca for type of meeting, classes, quilt show dates, events, and drop-in centre hours. Dues are $40/year. For more information, contact us at info@bluewaterquiltersguild.ca.
Pembroke Log Cabin Quilters Guild, has over 50 members with an annual membership fee of $30. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at Silver Threads Senior Club, 1163 Victoria Str, Petawawa, ON. We offer trunk shows, speakers, demos, workshops, BOM, monthly challenges, and monthly sew days. For more information please contact us by email. Email PembrokeLogCabinQuilt@gmail.com
Lanark County Quilters Guild. We have 145 members who pay $25 a year in dues. We meet at 7pm on the 4th Tuesday of the month at Lions Hall,Perth Fairgrounds. We have guest speakers, show & tell, block of the month, challenges and workshops.
Port Loring
the Argyle Quilters Guild was formed last year and we meet the second Thurs of the month at the Lion’s Den in Arnstein.For more info call Arlene @ 705 757 3860 arlene.smith@bell.ca
Port Perry
Port Perry Patchers, We have about 80 members who pay $35 per yr in dues. Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month from September to June, at the Hope Christian Reform Church, 14480 Old Simcoe Rd. in Prince Albert. Meetings begin at 7pm and more information can be found at our website.
Prince Edward County
Prince Edward County Quilters’ Guild We meet the second Wednesday of each month, 7 pm at the BCR Church in Bloomfield, ON. The first hour of the meeting is a program, either in-house in nature or an invited guest speaker, followed by a break, Show and Share and summarized Committee Reports. Borrow from our fantastic quilting library! Come join us, a room full of kindred spirits just waiting to share all things quilt related with you! Guild Contact Information pecqguild@gmail.com
Richmond Area Quilters Guild usually holds meetings on the third Wednesday of the month except December and June when we meet on the 2nd Wednesday . Our location is at the Richmond Ontario Legion at 6430 Ottawa St, Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0. The meetings start at 7:15 pm. Visitors and new members are welcome to join us. We do not have a website at this time . There are about 66 members currently. The Legion can accommodate 125 people. Our dues are $40 annually. EMail: raqg.president@gmail.com
Erie Shores Quilter’s Guild. We have about 125 members who meet every third Tuesday at the Ruthven-Olinda United Church. We have a cuddle quilt charity program, block of the month, show and tell, occasional guest speakers and a great wealth of knowledgeable quilters who are always eager to help newer quilters out. Come and join us, it is a wonderful group!
Sarnia Quilters’ Guild – Sarnia Quilters’ Guild. We have approx. 240 members who pay $35.00 per yr in dues. We meet at 7pm the first Monday of each month at the Redeemer Christian Reformed Church 5814 blackwell Sdrd, Sarnia Ontario. We make charity quilts, do boms, fatquarter draws, secret pal, and have speakers come from across the country and from the US.
Sault St Marie
Sault Ste. Marie. Stitches From The Heart Quilt Guild. (about 160 members)We meet at 7pm the last Monday of the month at the Senior’s Centre on Bay St. We have programs, workshops, appliqué, beading and computer clubs as well as a Comfort Quilts group (provides quilts, chemo caps, and mammogram jackets to community members). We host a bi-annual quilt show. Contact Sandie Hryck jjds.hrycyk@shaw.ca
Twilight Quilters’ Guild of Norfolk County. We meet the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Old Wyndham Church, 30 Glendale Crescent, Simcoe. Annual fees are $35. We share a love of quilting through program presentations, workshops, BOMs and camaraderie. Contact: info@twilightquiltguild.ca
Norfolk County Quilters’Guild. The guild currently has 112 members with annual dues of $30.00. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month except October, at the Vittoria & District Community Centre, approximately 7 miles southwest of Simcoe. We feature strip exchanges, BOM, guest speakers, a monthly newsletter which can be viewed at our website, workshops, monthly Fun Days, Cuddle Quilt projects, and other charitable activities. Our next show will take place in April 2010. For information please contact the guild at norfolkcountyquiltersguild@gmail.com
The Quilters Club meets at the The Pretty Street Community Centre on the Third Monday of the month 7-9pm. Quillows are made and donated to the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. For more information, Email: quilt@sympatico.ca. Guild Address: The Quilters Club, c/o Donna & Harry Curtis, 1480 Main Street, Stittsville, Ontario K2S 1A2
Stony Creek
Stoney Creek Quilters Guild Location: Royal Canadian Legion, 12 King Street East, Stoney Creek, ON L8G 1J8. comments: Membership is $35 annually. Visitor fee is $5 to attend a monthly meeting. However if the visitor joins the following month, this fee will be credited towards their membership cost.
Email: Marilyn Wylie [wyliemarilyn@gmail.com]
Sudbury & District Quilting & Stitchery Guild On this site you will find information about our Guild and its activities. There is also a gallery and information about our triennial exhibition of our quilt shows. There are also some fun reading pages, and links to other interesting sites.
The Georgina Pins and Needles meet the first Tuesday of the month from September to June. We meet at the Knox United Church 34 Market Street in Sutton at 7:00pm. Our “over 40” members pay $30.00 for the year, guests are $5.00 at the meeting.
We are a unique guild as we grow and adapt from quilting, to knitting, crochet, needlepoint. For more information, please Email:
Thunder Bay
Thunder Bay Quilters’ Guild is over 25 years old and 160 strong. We meet the 3rd Monday of each month, Sept to June at Calvin Luthern Church on Edward Street, at 7:30pm. Membership dues are $25. We have a monthly program, a bi-annual Quilt Show, classes for members, and Shows & Tells at meetings. Our ongoing community projects include Comfort Quilts which are donated annually to many organizations in our city, placemats for Meals on Wheels and Empty Bowls/Caring Hearts, and quilts with toys for Christmas Cheer. Visitors are always welcome.
Etobicoke Quilters’ Guild: We are about 120 members who pay $100/year, which includes membership at Neilson Park Creative Centre. Monthly meetings held at 7:15 pm on third Monday, with guest speakers; studio space Mondays and Wednesdays during the day. We make comfort quilts to donate to charities and host a quilt show in odd years to raise funds and share our craft.
Toronto Modern Quilt Guild. We have about 45 members who pay $40 a year in dues, which gives access to The Modern Quilt Guild resources as well as our programming. We meet 3-5pm the last Sunday of each month at The Workroom Studio, 46 Nobel St Studio 102. We have regular block lottos, swaps, president’s challenge, gift exchanges and education. Contact torontomodernquiltguild@gmail.com for more information.
YORK HERITAGE QUILTERS GUILD.TORONTO ONTARIO CANADA. We have about 335 members who meet at the Toronto Botanical Gardens on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from Sept thru May…membership fees are $55 per year. Our members enjoy lectures and workshops from both local and international quilters. Other activities include quilter of the month, sew and share, community quilts and quilt shows. Nancymccracken@ymail.com
Wasaga Beach and Collingwood Ontario
Slope to Slope Quilters Guild
Our guild is active and growing! We meet on the first Thursday of the month, 7-9 pm, September through June, at the Wasaga Beach RecPlex, Oakview Room, 1724 Mosley St., Wasaga Beach, Ontario. L9Z 1Z8. Drop in as a guest for $7/meeting or join for $40/yr. We offer guest speakers, sew days and classes, annual sewing challenges, community sewing initiatives such as charity quilts, etc. Join us for fun and friendship. Email: slopetoshorequiltersguild@gmail.com for details on how to join or attend a meeting as a guest.
The Waterloo County Quilters’ Guild
The Waterloo County Quilters’ Guild meets online on the third Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm and they hold an in person “drop in” opportunity called Gatherings on the first Wednesday of the month from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. There are no meetings in July or Aug. Gatherings is held at the Albert McCormick Community Centre, 500 Parkside Dr, Waterloo, ON N2L 5J4 offering members the opportunity to visit the library, sew with friends, touch base with the outreach coordinators and learn from the month’s featured member. We offer speakers, workshops and have a strong focus on community outreach. We have over 270 members both local and from a distance. Email: waterloocountyqg@gmail.com
Kindred Hearts Guild. Our Guild meets on the third Tuesday of the month at the Whitby Baptist Church. Membership is $30.00 per year. Our Guild focuses on teaching and we offer a wide variety of projects to develop and enhance quilting skills. There is a yearly retreat open to all members and we also offer a full day, UFO day the first Saturday of each month. Contact hayleyshugs@sympatico.ca for more information.
Windsor’s quilters guild We have about 200 members who pay $35 a year in dues. We meet on the first Tuesday of the month (Sept. to June)… during the day at 9:30 a.m. … business meeting at 12:30 p.m. … also in the evening at 7 p.m. at Fogular Furlan Club, 1800 E.C. Row (N. Service Rd.). We have many different activities … Mystery Quilt, Jelly Roll Swap, Paint Can Challenge, Finish It Up Challenge, a daily raffle, Random Acts for food banks and Comfort Quilts for numerous charities.
York Region (Newmarket)
The Moraine Quilt Guild is a friendly group of about 60+ women who share their knowledge and skills through meetings. guest speakers, member trunk shows, workshops, monthly challenges, and outreach initiatives. For more information visit our website or contact us at morainequiltguild@gmail.com.
Visit our Scrapdash Shop for your quilting needs.
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