Publicity Ideas
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First, create a press release. It should be one page, with a snappy title that catches your attention. Write it so the media can publish it verbatim. Be sure to cover the basics: who (sponsoring group); what (name of the event with website address if there is one, detailed information such as a list of classes and teachers); where (complete address); when (include dates and times) and why (if it benefits a charity.) Include lots of contact information – names, addresses, phone numbers, cell numbers, E-mail, etc. The more work you save the reporter, the happier they are! Call before sending the release. Some places prefer to receive them by fax or E-mail. They must ALWAYS be typed in the proper format. Double-check spelling! For more information on press releases, try these sites:
Think outside the box. Who besides the local newspapers and magazines (don’t forget the pennysavers!) would post information about your show? A local museum, community room, senior center, radio station? Make sure they all get flyers ahead of time. If the proceeds of your show, or raffle quilt benefit a group or organization, make sure to publicize the show at that location and in any newsletter they may have.
American Quilter has a column called Show Time listing shows by by state, then by date.. Send your release to AQS Show Time, P.O. Box 3290, Paducah, KY 42002-3290. Information must reach the AQS office by October 1 for Spring, January 1 for Summer, April 1 for Fall and July 1 for Winter.
QUILT has a column called Bulletin Board. Send your release only, not a flyer, at least six months ahead of time. They will place it an inappropriate issue. mail to Bulletin Board, Quilt Magazine, P.O. Box 3295, Marietta, GA 30061 OR FAX to 1-770-427-1550