Wisconsin Quilt Guilds

The Badger State

Wisconsin State Flag - the Badger State
Rhode Island, New Jersey and Illinois State Flower - the Violet

This page lists information on Wisconsin Quilt Guilds as submitted by the members of the guild. If you find an error or would like to add your guild, please visit the Add/Amend page. If you would like to add your show, use the Add Show page.

Find Quilt Shows in Wisconsin here. Find Quilt Shops and Shop Hops in Wisconsin here.

GLPMQA is a group dedicated to increasing education for machine quilters. We have about 50 members. We meet 4 times a year in various locations across south and central Wisconsin. EMail: moc.liamgobfsctd@aqmplg

Golden Needle Quilters. We average 27 members who pay $5 a year in dues. Meetings are the second Monday of each month at St. John’s Lutheran Church fellowship hall at 7pm. The third Monday is a workshop for anyone that can come to make quilts that are given away to fire victims and to help raise funds for medical emergencies for our local communities. We also in make baby quilts for Healthy Beginnings and Grieving Squares for the University Hospital Pediatrics Department. Mickie ten.letnoinuobfsctd@legapam

Apple River Quilt Guild. Open to area quilters, we have about 75 members. We meet the third Monday of the month at the First Lutheran Church in Amery, :00 PM. We sponsor an annual show, retreat for members, block of the month, workshops and make fire quilts. Dues are $25 per year, and we raffle a quilt with the show as our primary fund raiser. Contact moc.liamgobfsctd@dliugqra

Darting Needles Quilt Guild meets at 7pm the 2nd Thursday of the month at the First United Methodist Church, 325 Franklin St, Appleton. We host 3-5 National instructors throughout the year that include workshops. Our mission is to promote quilting, inspire quilting through classes and speakers, and share our talent with the community. We have about 140 members with annual dues $40. We meet 2nd Thursday of the month at First United Methodist Church. we have a put & take table, speakers & classed through out the year. Biannual quilt show held in even years. moc.2snikrahobfsctd@brab

Chequamegon Bay Quilters meets the first Tuesday of every month@5:30 pm in the Washburn Public Library. Guild Contact Information moc.oohayobfsctd@stliuqyabnogemauqehc

Hearts and Hands Quilt Guild. We have about 35 members. Yearly dues $10. Meets at 7pm, first Monday of the month at United Methodist Church. Most months meetings are short followed by guest teachers, demonstrations, sew and share. We do community service, mystery, and challenge projects. And much more. Workshops, retreat and annual quilt show in August. moc.oohayobfsctd@ynnuhgnitliuq

West Suburban Quilters’ Guild meets on the 2nd Wed of each month at Brookfield Lutheran Church, 18500 Burleigh Rd, Brookfield, WI 53045 from September to May. We are committed to encouraging quilters, quilt education, and charity projects. We welcome new members and guests. Please visit our website or contact our media liaison ten.gqswobfsctd@nosiailaidem for more information.

Chocolate City Quilters
We are approximately 50 members and growing!  Guests are welcome to come and see if you would like to join.  Dues are $25/year.  We do ccomfort quilts for cancer patients, we do a block of the month drawing, show and tell and have speakers/presentations for about 10 our of our 12 meetings.   We currently meet the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30 pm at the Cross Lutheran Church, 126 Chapel Terrace, Burlington, WI.  Email us for more information or see our Facebook page. Email: moc.liamgobfsctd@dliuGytiCetalocohC

Prairie Piecers. Approximately 20 quilters from several communities meet on the third Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm at the education building of St Paul’s Liberty Lutheran Church  3494 Oak Park Rd. Deerfield WI. Each month, we have a group exchange that we call PMS (standing for Please Make Some) where one quilter brings a pattern for a block, along with suggestions or requirements for color, fabric type, etc. Members can choose to make one or more of the blocks for the next monthly meeting, where a drawing is held to determine the winner of all the blocks. We also donate children’s quilts to area facilities, have monthly speakers and/or programs and enjoy being inspired by others’ work through Show and Tell. Email: moc.liamtohobfsctd@ppar_t_yram

Stitching Sisters. Our guild meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at the Community Center in Chetek, WI. Starting time for the workshops varies, depending on the class. We have a challenging project each year that is part of our annual quilt show in July during Chetek’s Liberty Fest. Annual dues are $20. Sisters. moc.liamgobfsctd@IWketehC

Chippewa Falls
Stitching Pals
The Stitching Pals Quilt Group meets every Monday from 1-3 at 531 E. South Ave., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 and also coordinates the annual Chippewa Valley Quilt Show. It is held at the Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds the first Saturday and Sunday in October from 9-4. See more info on our website for quilt entries. We have an active group of around 25 ladies and love meeting new people and learning from each other. Bring something to hand stitch while chatting or bring your machine. A calendar of events and membership info is also on our site. Email: moc.liamgobfsctd@fcslapgnihctits
Comments: Feel free to email for more information or just come and join us!

Sheboygan County Quilters Quilt, 414-457-4243.

Columbus Quilt Guild meets at the Columbus Public Library 223 W James Street Columbus Wisconsin 53925. The meeting time is 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month except for December. We have a small core group and about 20 members who watch our activities thru email. Our main focus is sharing a new block each month, with the idea that we will learn new things from each other. We also partner with a local nonprofit to make weighted blankets several times a year. We encourage quilters of all skill levels to come to our meetings and learn or share. Email: moc.liamgobfsctd@dnasjmmj

Cottage Grove
Cottage Quilters meet the fourth Thursday of most months in the basement of the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church in Cottage Grove. This is an active group of quilters who have lots of fun and share lots of ideas; there is a different presentation/program each month. Contact Mary Ellen (former president) at (608)839-8093

Curtiss Corners Quilt Club We have about 30 members who meet at 6:45 the third Monday of each month in the Curtiss Community Center – the old schoolhouse. We have a business meeting, show and tell and in most months a demonstration, usually by a member. We have a quilt show each year in the old schoolhouse. moc.liamtohobfsctd@esuomlufyoj

Prairie Piecers Quilt Guild meets at the education building of the St. Paul’s Liberty Lutheran Church, 3494Oak Park Road Deerfield, WI, on the third Thursday of the month, beginning at 6:30 PM. Each month, we have a group exchange that we call PMS (standing for Please Make Some) where one quilter brings a pattern for a block, along with suggestions or requirements for color, fabric type, etc. Members can choose to make one or more of the blocks for the next monthly meeting, where a drawing is held to determine the winner of all the blocks. We also donate children’s quilts to area facilities, have monthly speakers and/or programs and enjoy being inspired by others’ work through Show and Tell. Email: moc.liamtohobfsctd@ppar_t_yram

Eagle River
Cranberry Country Quilters meet on the third Monday of the month, except September and December, at 9:30 a.m. at the Eagle River Masonic Lodge, 610 E Division St. We have over 72 members of all quilting levels and quilting interests. Meetings consist of a business meeting, a program, speaker, demo, or workshop, Block of the Month, and Show and Tell. We host a retreat in the fall and several “Sleep at Home” Retreats throughout the year. A quilt show and raffle are held in even-numbered years to benefit our charitable work. Guests and new members welcome. Check our website for updates and contact information.
Email: moc.loaobfsctd@ydujresow

Eau Claire
Clear Water Quilters Mtgs held 1st Mon of mo except on holiday weekends when the meetings are the 2nd Mon. We begin to gather at 6 PM in the Bishops Lounge at Christ Church, 510 S Farwell. The mtg starts with 6:30 Show and Tell, refreshments, and a short meeting. Dues $25 year. Contacts Linda moc.loaobfsctd@nilagamd (715)832-7863 or Kathy ten.retrahcobfsctd@datsnurbk.

Calico Capers Quilt Guild. We have over 40 members who pay $15 a year in dues. We meet on the first Monday of the month at the Moundville United Methodist Church, Co. Hwy O, Endeavor. Each meeting begins with snacks at 6:15, followed by a business meeting at 6:30, show and tell, and various programs. Contact moc.liamgobfsctd@srepacocilac for more information or visit our website.

Fall Creek
A Piece at a Time Quilt Guild 3rd Monday of every month 6:30-10:00 Consumer Education Room Fall Creek High School We meet at the high school during the school year and at Faith Evangelical Free Church during the summer months. moc.loaobfsctd@mgcorihc

Wild Rivers Quilt Guild
The Wild Rivers Quilt Guild meets monthly at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 900 Central Avenue in Florence, WI. We have 35 members, dues are $25 annually. Our meetings feature a Presenter and Show ‘n Tell. Other events include Open Sew (welcomes all quilters), Workshops, and a Quilt Show. Our website is wildriversquiltguild.org, the email is moc.liamgobfsctd@dliugtliuqsrevirdliw. We’d love to meet you, to learn and share the wonderful art of quilting!

Fond du Lac
Flying Geese Quilt Guild Meets the 1st Thursday of each month at the Fond du Lac Senior Center at 1 pm. For information contact the Senior Center or email Alice at: ten.tsacmocobfsctd@weseuqinu

Sunset Stitchers Quilt & Fibre Arts Guild. Sunset Stitchers Quilt & Fibre Arts Guild. Meetings on the second Thursday evening of each month at 6pm are held at the Fond du Lac Senior center. Dues are $15 per year. For more information write to us at P.O.Box 134, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-0134 or e-mail Amanda: ten.retrahcobfsctd@neeuqtfarc

Fort Atkinson
Piecemakers. We have about 30 members who pay $20 a year in dues. We meet at 1:00 pm on the second Monday of the month at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 301 South High Street, Fort Atkinson, WI. December, January, and February we meet at 1 pm on the second Thursday of the month, at the same location.

Green Bay
Evergreen Quilters Guild, Green Bay, WI is open to anyone interested in quilts or quilting. We meet once a month on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, in the basement of the Grace Lutheran Church, 321 S. Madison St., Green Bay, WI. There is a day meeting that starts at 12:30 p.m. and an evening meeting that starts at 6:30 pm. Every other year we host a quilt show.

Hayward Hayward Piecemakers Quilt Guild has an average of 47 members with many seasonal. We meet on the second Monday of the month. Membership is $25 Hayward Wesleyan Church on Hwy 77West at 10 am. We conduct many classes throughout the year as well as host regional and national teachers. We have Friday sewing following the meetings and a Sit and Stitch after the meetings. We host a yearly Quilt Show moc.oohayobfsctd@srekameceipdrawyaH

Hudson Heritage Quilters
Hudson Heritage Quilters is a guild of about 80 members. Dues are $40 per calendar year. The guild meets the third Saturday of each month (except June, July, and December) in Hudson, Wisconsin and also via Zoom with Social time at 9 a.m. and Business meeting at 9:30 a.m. including Show and Tell. Our speaker program starts at 10:30 a.m. Our quilt show is every two years (odd number years). Check out our website for information about the guild and our speakers and events. Click on the Contact tab for more information about attending a meeting or send an email to moc.liamgobfsctd@sretliuqegatirehnosduh.

Norske Needlers Quilt Guild. Meetings are held on the 1st Monday of the month at the Iola City Hall/Community Center on Main Street. Visitors are welcome! Membership is available $12/year. Each meeting has show and tell, a business meeting, and a quilting lesson or guest speaker. Group works on a variety of charity projects every year (participation is optional). Guild Contact Information moc.liamgobfsctd@brabsboK

“It’s A Stitch Quilt Guild” meets @ 6:30 pm on the second Thursday of each month at the Jackson Community Center, Jackson, WI. Dues are $25. Our meetings include: guest speakers, mini-workshops, trunk shows, and show&tell. August we host area guilds and have a speaker. Our Christmas Party is in December at a local restaurant with entertainment! Quilt Show 2022: September 30th and October 1st. Ziegler Building at Washington County Fair Park. Plenty of parking! Awesome Raffle Quilt. New for 2022 will be a judged category for patriotic-themed quilts that will be donated to veteran groups. Cash prizes will be awarded for this category. Minimum suggested size 50×60 to twin. Email: moc.liamgobfsctd@dliugtliuqhctitsasti

Rock Valley Quilter’s Guild. We have approx. 200 members. Dues are $20/yr plus $5 if the newsletter is mailed. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday at 7 pm at the UAW Hall 1795 Lafayette St, Janesville, WI 53546 except August there is no meeting. We have a yearly quilt challenge, raffle quilt, Paducah trip, sewing retreat, study groups and speakers. Email: moc.liamgobfsctd@dliugqvr for more information.

Southport Quilter’s Guild meets at 7 pm first Mondays of the month, September-April, at St Paul’s Lutheran Church, 8760 37th Ave, Kenosha. We gather at 6:30 to socialize/visit guild library/pick up information/sign up for workshops. Monthly meeting: business/speaker or special program/show and tell. Community projects include ‘Comfort Quilts’ and ‘Chemo Caps’ for organizations /hospitals. Newsletter bimonthly. Our 90+ members from WI and IL pay $20 dues, guest fee $5.

The La Crosse Area Quilters Guild
LaCrosse Area Quilters meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month, except August and December, at Stoney Creek Hotel, 3060 S Kinney Coulee Rd, Onalaska, WI 54650. Doors open at 6pm for social time and the meeting starts at 6:30pm. We have over 100 members and dues are $30 per year. Meetings include a program/speaker, business portion, and sew and tell. Throughout the year, we have charity projects, workshops, and an annual retreat. We host a quilt show every other year. Check out our website for more information! Email: moc.liamgobfsctd@dliugtliuqessorcal

Flambeau Area Piecemakers. We have about 25 members who pay $15 per year for dues. We meet on the third Tuesday of the Month at 7:00 pm in the meeting room of the Pioneer Bank of Wisconsin. We usually have demonstrations at each meeting. We sponsor a retreat every Spring and another one in the Fall. We have a Facebook group, also. Look for The Flambeau Area Piecemakers Quilt Guild. We love having guests at our meetings, and new members are always warmly welcomed. moc.oohayobfsctd@occirbj

Lodi Valley Quilters Guild (LVQG)
The guild started in 2006 with just a few members and is currently at 130 members.  Membership is $25 and is open to anyone who quilts, likes quilts, or has an interest in quilting, regardless of their skills.   To join, simply come to a meeting, fill out the enrollment form.  We have been using zoom and in-person meetings on the 1st Monday of the month. Activities of the guild include charity group, Lodi Ag Fair quilt show/judging, and a quilt turning, retreats, workshops, and our own Quilt Academy with over 300 students. Please see our website for more information   lvqg.org or email us at moc.liamgobfsctd@dliugsretliuqyellavidol

Twilight Quilters Guild. Dues are $12/year. We meet on the 1st Monday of each month, except if it’s a holiday (then we meet on the 2nd Monday). We enjoy sharing the love of quilting with each other. Each meeting has as special a program an informal workshop or demo or working on a charity project, etc., and we always have a marvelous show-and-tell (plus a social time with beverages and snacks). We have lectures and presentations by professionals in the field and by our multi-talented group members.

Mad City Quilt Guild We have 170+ members. Dues $30 per year. We have two meeting times a month, the first Tuesday of the month at 1:00pm (except in July, August, and Dec.) and the fourth Monday of the month at 7:00 pm (except in June, July, and Dec.). Both meetings are held at Attic Angel Place, 8301 Old Sauk Road Middleton, WI. For more information visit our website or contact MCQGpresident at MadCityQuilters.org.

A Patch of Lakeshore Quilters
We meet on the second Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm for each month except July at Ascend Services, 2818 Meadow Lane, Manitowoc, WI.  Our guild has about 70 members.  Membership dues are $30 per year.  Each month there is a business meeting, show and tell and a short social with refreshments.  We have a program at most of our meetings.  Our guild also hosts a Quilt Show every other year.  Please see our website for more information or contact me by email at ten.mtobfsctd@ppmulkaj .

Piecemakers Quilt Guild. We have 75 members who pay $20 a year in dues. We meet at 7 pm on the second Tuesday of the month at Zion Methodist Church. We do a show and a raffle every year and do charity quilts for the needy. Contact Diane Reigel at ten.nozirevobfsctd@legierd

Twisted Thread Quilters. We have about 25 members. We meet on the 1st Friday of each month in the Hedland Agency Meeting Room, 132 W State St, Medford, WI 54451 beginning at 6:30 pm. We meet monthly to sew together, “Show and Tell” our latest projects, discuss upcoming events, share food, laughter, and tips and tricks that work for us in our quilting journey. We host the annual Medford Area Quilt Show in the spring. Contact moc.liamgobfsctd@stliuqdrofdem for more information.

Menomonee Falls
Common Threads Quilt Guild
Common Threads Quilt Guild meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month at St. James Catholic Church at W220 N6588 Town Line Road. Social time starts at 9:00 a.m. with the meeting starting at 9:30. We usually have a guest speaker and workshop with each meeting. We have a variety of challenges each year determined by our Programs Committee. Our guild has Community Service projects to benefit babies born with needs and Quilts of Valor. We have approximately 50 members and our dues are $30.00 a year. We meet monthly from September through May. Even though we do not meet in June, July, or August, we offer open sew days those months for those who want to get together for a day of “work” and fun. Check us out on Facebook at Common Threads Quilt Guild of WI or contact Marcie Wargolet (President) 262-628-3270 for more information. This is a fun guild with wonderful, sharing ladies. Guests are welcome to stop in and join us any month for a fee of $5.00.
Email: moc.liamgobfsctd@sdaerhtnommociw

Menomonee Falls Quilters
Menomonee Falls Quilters meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month, Sept – June, at 6:30 pm at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, W156N8131 Pilgrim Rd, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051.  Quilters of all levels are welcome.  Annual dues are collected from members in order to secure programming for the guild meetings.  The guild hosts special projects, field trips, workshops, programs, speakers, and social opportunities for it’s members.  Guests are welcome to attend a meeting at no charge to learn more about us.
Email: moc.liamgobfsctd@sretliuqsllafeenomonem

North Shore Quilt Guild meets every 3rd Wednesday at 9:30 am at North Shore Congregational Church 7330 N Santa Monica Blvd Fox Point, WI. Membership is $30 a year. Check out our website to see a listing of upcoming programs. Welcome!

Tosa Quilters welcomes anyone with an interest in quilts. Whether you are just a beginner or have been quilting for years. Dues are $30 a year. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 7 to 9 p.m. September through May at the First Congregational Church of Wauwatosa 1511 Church Street.  Contact moc.liamgobfsctd@6noddahl for more information.
Email: moc.liamgobfsctd@6noddahl

The Ladies of The Lakes. We have 63 members who pay 20$ a year in dues. Meeting held the first and third Tuesday each month. Meetings start at 7:00 pm at the Hiawatha Estates community building.

Courthaus Quilters Guild. We have approximately 35 members who pay $20 yearly for dues. Our guild meets on the fourth Monday of the month, excluding December. Please check our website for exceptions and program details. We meet in the auditorium of the Pleasant View complex.

Mount Horeb
Hands All Around Quilters has about 40 members who meet the second Thursday of each month from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm in the Violet Room at Wisconsin Surplus, 2600 WI-78 South, Mt. Horeb, for our monthly socialization, refreshments, and meeting. The business portion of the meeting starts at 1:00 pm followed by Show and Tell. We also get together for two 3-day sew-ins which are held Tuesday-Thursday, usually the 3rd week of January and July.
Our mission is to promote the art of quilting, support each other, share ideas, learn more about quilting and life, teach each other new things and enjoy each other’s company and friendship. Dues are $20 per year. All are welcome. Contact: Sue Retzlaff at 608-669-4095 for information; or feel free to just drop in at one of our meetings.

Mountain Pine Needle Quilters. We currently (2011) have 58 members. We meet 3rd Monday each month at 7:00pm at the Town of Breed Community Center, just south of Mountain. We also meet at 1:30pm 1st Monday to sew together. Members show completed projects in monthly Show & Tell sessions. We have challenges, sewing parties, and generally have fun! Our quilt show is in October on even numbered years.

Ladies of the Pines We are a guild with over 50 members. We meet at 7:00pm on the third Monday of the month at the Breed Town Hall which is located on Hwy 32 south of Mountain. We also meet for sewing on the first Monday of each month for a sewing session which begins at 1:30pm We also have a quilt show every other year.

Mukwonago Crazy Quilters Guild. The Crazy Quilters Guild, Inc has been going strong for 33 years. Membership is close to 100 Quilters. We have a general guild meeting once a month on the second Wednesday at 6:30 pm. The meeting starts with the programmed speaker or event. There are numerous special interest groups and committees that meet in addition to the general guild meeting. We offer embroidery club, charity sewing, endowment just to name a few. The guild has sponsored a quilt show for over 30 years. Check out the website we’d love to meet you.

New Auburn
Quilters from the Heart Big Bend Town Hall N1195 Hwy 40 New Auburn, WI 54895 Meet second and fourth Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Big Bend Town Hall. Sew on your own or classes at the first monthly session, sew group projects at the second session. Charity items include lap quilts, afghans, pillowcases, comfort shawls, and more. moc.liamgobfsctd@momremem

New Berlin
Log Cabin Quilt Guild meets the second Tuesday of each month at Peace Lutheran Church,17651 W Small Road, New Berlin WI. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the meeting begins at 6:30. We have speakers, show and tell, challenges, Schoolhouse Nights, My Trash Your Treasure exchanges, and a free item table, plus a small prize drawing every month. Visitors are welcome to attend one meeting free. Dues are $45 per year beginning in September 2022 and are prorated if you join after September 30. If you join prior to 9/1/2022 renewals are $40. We also have a monthly newsletter that goes out via email. Check out our Facebook page at Log Cabin Quilters Guild of WI. Email questions to moc.liamgobfsctd@dliugqcl

New Glarus
Sugar River Piecemakers. We meet at 7pm on the 3rd Monday of the month at the Shepards of the Hills Church in town. Dues are $12.00 per year. ten.sdtobfsctd@htimsae for information.

New Richmond
Willow River Piecemakers Quilt Guild. We have about 45 members who pay $10 a year in dues. We meet at 7 pm on the second Thursday of the month at St. Luke’s Church. We also have an annual 4-day retreat for members in Jan/Feb. Lots more fun and info to check out on our website or email us at moc.liamgobfsctd@srekameceiprevirwolliw.

Oak Creek
Wandering Foot Quilter’s Guild meets at the Oak Creek Salvation Army, 8853 S. Howell Avenue, Oak Creek, WI 53154. We meet the third Tuesdays of each month with the exception of December. Meetings begin at 6 PM. Wandering Foot has approximately 45 members with a diverse range of experience and interests. Meetings include a speaker, a business meeting, and a robust and inspiring show and tell. We meet at the Oak Creek Salvation Army on the third Tuesday of each month with the exception of December. Each month we also have a raffle for a quilt-related item. Our dues are $24 annually. We do welcome guests to our meetings. We host a quilt show biannually. Email: moc.liamgobfsctd@cotoofgnirednaw

Oconomowoc Quilt Guild Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Meet at Lord of Life Church in Oconomowoc N60 W35980 Lake Drive (Highways P & Z), Oconomowoc, Wi We have speakers, projects, charity, retreats, workshops, open sewing events and more. All are welcome. Annual dues are $25.

Piecing Friendships Quilting Workshop has moved to Lake Country Enrichment Center. The new address is 1380 West Wisconsin, Oconomowoc, WI 53066. Contact Beth Schmitz, (262)422-4299. We will be able to meet there EVERY MONDAY from 9:30 AM till 7:30 PM. Visit our website to check out our group and what we do. Hope you can join us there.

Lakeside Quilters Limited meets on the third Wednesday of each month at Emmanuel United Church of Christ, 1306 Michigan St, Oshkosh, WI 54902 in Oshkosh. We have over 100 active members; dues are $35/year and we feature both local and national speakers. We host a Biennial Quilt Show, an annual EAA Quilt Show, open sewing events, significant charitable activities, and show & share at each monthly meeting. Guests are always welcome. Please visit our website for more information or email us at moc.liamgobfsctd@swengqsl.

Park Falls
Pinetree Piecers. We have a small group with dues of $15/year including a monthly newsletter. We have one evening meeting a month on the 4th Monday at 6:00p.m.. We also have a workday each Thurs. from about 10-3. Both these meetings are at the Park Falls Public Library. Contact: Linda Kopisch- ten.tenctcpobfsctd@sseloolc or 715.762.4301 at N16165 Lakeshore Dr., Butternut, WI 54514

Prairie Pointers Quilt Guild. We have about 20 members. There are no dues. We meet at the Plainfield Public Library, 126 S Main Street, on the first Monday of the month at 6 pm for a workshop during the school year, with a meeting following at 8 pm. We make a raffle quilt every other year for fundraising. If you are interested just show up for a meeting.

Kettle Country Guild. We meet on the first Tuesday of every month at the Plymouth Library at 1:00 pm. This is an active community-based guild. Dues are $6.00 per year

Piecemakers Quilt Guild. We meet in Portage, Wisconsin on the second Tuesday of each month at the Portage Library with a show & tell, speaker/demonstration, and snacks. There are no dues. We have about 40 members on our email list and about 15 attendees at meetings. We have recently formed and are beginning projects for the community and members.

Calico Capers Quilt Guild, 608-586-4317

 Lighthouse Quilters
We are a large group of quilters, of all ages and experience levels, brought together by our passion for quilting. Whether it’s applique, patchwork, modern, English paper piecing, embroidered, arty, memory, crazy, jelly roll or anything else, we want to see it! We love meeting new people of all skill levels and enjoy sharing our workshops and programs. 

Our meetings include a business meeting, a speaker, and show and tell.  We have a biennial quilt show (Lighthouse Legacies) and our next one is scheduled for October 4-5, 2025.  Dues are $30 per year.  We do community outreach with donations to the local food pantry and each member is encouraged to donate one quilt a year to one of the charities we support.   

We have a Facebook page, a website and a monthly newsletter. 

We meet in the Fellowship Hall at: Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, 322 Ohio Street in Racine, WI ​at 6:30  pm usually on the last Monday of the month from January to October (check our News page for specifics). In November we have a joyful member’s only holiday party at a local restaurant. We do not meet in December. 

If you are not able to attend the meetings in person, we also have Zoom. So, you don’t even have to live in Racine to be a member!
Email: moc.liamtohobfsctd@yesuaceusqhl Mailing address: Lighthouse Quilters Guild, Inc. P. O. Box 081153, Racine, WI 53408-1153

Kattywampus Quilt Guild We are a small fun group who loves to quilt. Our dues are $15.00 a year. Meetings are once a month at the Randolph Village Hall at 7 pm.(4th Wednesday of the month for Jan-Oct and the 2nd Wednesday in Nov. & Dec.) We learn a new block each month, have a strip club and gather several times during the year on Saturdays to work on group and individual projects. ten.retrahcobfsctd@fierS

Reedsburg Area Quilt Guild (RAQG) We have about 35 member and we welcome anyone who is interested in quilting, regardless of skill level. We meet the 2nd Monday of the month at Quintessential Quilts 940 E. Main Reedsburg. We offer monthly show and tell, informative meetings, special events, inspiration, fun and treats. Contact moc.liamgobfsctd@ekne.irrehs

Rhinelander Northwoods Quilters
We meet the second Monday of the month at 1 pm at ArtStart, 68 S Stevens Street, Rhinelander, WI. comments: Our group began in 1985 with four members. Over the years it waxed and waned as the focus and membership changed. Currently we have 26 members. We have a program at each meeting given by a member or someone from outside our group. We make quilts for donation to charitable organizations. In 2019 we completed 18 quilts and pillowcases for LOTUS. Members have the chance to show off their beautiful creations during a show and tell session at each meeeting. For more information, contact Pat Westphal at moc.liamgobfsctd@2yzarctliuq.
EMail: moc.liamgobfsctd@2yzarctliuq

Richland Center
Friendship Quilt Guild meets the 4th Monday at 7:00 pm in th e community room of Schmitt Woodland Hills 1400 W. Seminary St Richland Center, WI 53581 We also have Sit & Sew the day of the meeting from 1-5 pm. We have around 25 members and our dues are $20 for the year. We meet the 4th Monday of the Month (Sometimes the 3rd Monday if there is a holiday on the 4th Monday). Sit & Sew from 1pm to 5pm . The meeting starts at 7pm. In the event of bad weather on the day of the meeting, the rule of thumb is, that if the Richland Center schools are closed than the meeting is cancelled. Our annual quilt show is held the first weekend in October (Saturday & Sunday) EMail: moc.liamgobfsctd@dliugsretliuqpihsdneirfcr

Rio Library Quilt Guild meets the first Thursday of each month at the Rio Library, Rio, WI at 7 pm. No charge to be a member. Guild projects promote the love of quilting and friendship and supports the Rio Library programs with a bi-annual quilt show in even years. Contact ten.letyrutnecobfsctd@1tiK or moc.liamgobfsctd@dliugtliuqoiR

Shawano Area Quilters
We have 55 members and our dues are $15 per year. We meet every third Thursday of the month except July and December at 1:00 PM in the lower level of the Civic Center, at 225 S Main Street in Shawano, Wisconsin. We have an annual picnic in July and a Christmas party in December. Some activities are comfort quilts for fire victims, sit and sew, retreats and an annual shop hop. We also make benefit quilts to use for various causes in the Shawano area. We have a quilt show every other year. Contact us at ten.retrahcobfsctd@lhadiemd.

Sheboygan County Quilters Guild
Sheboygan County Quilt Guild meets at the Ebenezer Church, 3215 Saemann Avenue, Sheboygan on the 2nd Wednesday of the month (1:00 pm odd months, 7:00 pm even months). Over 130 members participate in our guild. Our guild is a progressive group designed to promote the art of quilting. Classes, retreats, quilt challenges, charity projects, bus trips and monthly presentations by accomplished guest quilters. Comments: New members are welcome! $25 annual dues cover cost of programming. We welcome visitors. moc.liamgobfsctd@dliugsretliuqytnuocnagyobehs

Mixed Sampler Quilt Guild. We have around 100 members who pay $25/year for dues. We have programs, we have a Fall retreat and a Spring Workshop (including classes), we have a Quilt Show with a Raffle, and Silent Auction to benefit charity and we often do a mystery project. We meet at 9am at the Siren Senior Center on the second Saturday of the month except for June (MN Quilt Show), July (Quilt Walk at 3 members’ homes), October (Quilt Show at Webster High School) and December (Holiday Party). moc.liamgobfsctd@relpmasdexim

Sister Bay.
 Located in beautiful Door County, Wisconsin. The Trillium guild meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month except for the 4th Thursday of November and December. Meeting place is at the Sister Bay Firestation, 2258 Mill Road, Sister Bay, WI from 10am to 12pm. Membership is open to all levels of quilters for a nominal yearly fee of $30. New members are welcome. Join us for educational programs, socializing, and participation in community and charitable initiatives. We are carrying on the traditions and history of quilt making to foster an awareness of and be receptive to creative innovations in the art; to promote and sponsor interest and appreciation in all areas of quilt making among members and the general public, and to encourage fellowship and the exchange of ideas. Email: moc.liamgobfsctd@eivralem.eus

Ties That Bind meets on the third Wednesday of the month at the First National Bank meeting room. Dues are $10 calendar year. We sponsor the Country Quilt Show, have birthday block exchange, secret sister & block of the month. Contact moc.oohayobfsctd@409retliuq for info.

Spring Green
The River Valley Stitchers meet the fourth Tuesday of each month except December at 7pm at the Spring Green Community Library. There are no dues. Many of our meetings are spent doing community projects such as Passage quilts or a program. Though we have people on all levels, we are mainly a beginners group. moc.rremobfsctd@navacbed

Spring Valley
Cardinal Quilters Meet on the 3rd Monday at 7:00 p.m. at the Spring Valley High School. We meet to exchange ideas and instill an interest in quilting for area residents through inspiration, community service & education in quilt making. Annual dues of $15 are used to purchase supplies for group projects. All new beginner and experienced quilters are welcome.

The Sew & Sew Country Quilters meet at 10:30 on the third Thursday of each month at the Sew & Sew Quilts and Fabrics shop, located 2 miles south of town at 36360 County Highway MM, Stanley, WI 54768. We have about 12 members who enjoy getting together to share quilting ideas and work on charity quilts. We have show-and-tell at each meeting and host a quilt show on an annual basis.

Stevens Point
Star Point Quilters. We have about 40 members who pay $15 a year in dues. We meet the third Thursday of the month at the Ruth Gilfry Center at 6:30, Social Hour, 7:00 Programs, meeting following. We have classes, programs, service projects, make charity quilts and have a show and quilt raffle every other year. Contact ten.labolgcbsobfsctd@kavonfd for more information.

Sturgeon Bay
Door Peace by Piece Applique Group. We have 6 members and the only dues ($25 a year) are paid to the Applique Society, a national group. We meet at 6pm on the fourth Thursday of each month (except December) above the Barn Door Quilt Shop in Sturgeon Bay. ten.retrahcobfsctd@rolgsregor

DoorCounty Quilters. We have about 40 members who pay $2 a year in dues. We meet a 9 am on the first and third Tuesdays of the month in the basement of the Sturgeon Bay library. ten.retrahcobfsctd@rolgsregor

Sun Prairie
Prairie Lakes Quilters We have about 35 members who pay $25 a year in dues. We meet at 6:30 pm on the first Wednesday of the month at The Colonial Club, 301 Blankenheim Lane Sun Prairie WI. We have a fat quarter and charm square exchanges as well as a variety of charity quilt donations. Meetings consist of a brief business discussion, announcements, programs, show and tell as well as social time. Please contact Diana Dunham at moc.liamtohobfsctd@mahnudrd

The Pine Needle Quilters were formed in May of 2003. We meet at the Breed Community Center on Hwy. 32, North of Suring, WI, on the third Monday of the month a 6:00 p.m. for our regular meeting. We also meet on the first Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m. for a sewing day. Our quilt show is normally held every other year on the even years. It is held in October at the Suring High School. We have a lot of wonderful quilters (over 40 guild members), and it shows in the lovely quilts that come in for the show. Our show displays quilts of members only, and we have over 200 quilts at each of our shows.

We work with our communities… we have quilts on hand for folks in our communities that have had a home fire, or perhaps a serious illness. We have given quilts to pediatric oncology, Hurricane Katrina, tornado victims, comfort quilts for dogs and cats, and for many other reasons. Every Christmas we have been giving Christmas stockings to our local hospitals to give away to children hospitalized over the holidays. We also give baby quilts to our local hospitals, for the first babies born nearest to National Quilting Day in March. We are very proud of the commitment we have made to our Veterans. We started making quilts for Veteran in 2007, and since that time has given over 900 quilts to our men and women in the military (past and present). Email: moc.liamgobfsctd@sretliuqeldeenenip Comments: We also maintain a Facebook page (PINE NEEDLE QUILTERS GROUP):

Woven Heart Quilters. There are 27 members who pay $12 a year in dues. The guild meets at 9:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month at the Zion Lutheran Church in Tigerton. Each meeting consists of a Fat Quarter Birthday Exchange, Show and Tell, Charity Block of the Month project, demos, and lessons, brief meetings, then time to work on our projects. Every other year the guild hosts a quilt show on the second Saturday of June. A yearly raffle that consists of quits the ladies made is held in August in conjunction with Tigerton Lumberjack Days. Contact Colleen Cortright, ten.tenreitnorfobfsctd@thgirtroc for more information.

Four Rivers Quilt Guild meets at the Grace Lutheran Church 108 West Somo Tomahawk WI 54487. The Four Rivers Quilt Guild was established in 1995 and has been flourishing ever since. Our membership varies between 20-25 people who pay $20 per year in dues. We meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, the first meeting being a business gathering and the second meeting of the month is usually designated for sewing, road tripping, or a class experience. Our group is community-focused and includes, but is not limited to, creating quilts for our local Salvation Army chapter, tote bags for children who are visiting relatives in a hospice setting, walker bags for patients in local care, and rehab facilities. We also make numerous stuffed kittens, bears, and bunnies to put in the children’s tote bags. Industrious though this sounds, we still find time for road trips, shop hops, picnics, and parties.
EMail: President Faye LaMere ten.eulbdliwobfsctd@ykstyn or Treasurer Sandy Redmond ten.reitnorfobfsctd@seertliuqbs

Vernon County Piecemakers Quilt Guild meets at the Vernon Memorial Hospital basement community rooms on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm from Sept throuhg August, excluding Jan and Feb. We have about fifty members who pay $25 a year for dues. We have various monthly programs, a fall and spring workshop, winter retreat, challenges, birthday club, and donate many quilts to charity projects. EMail: Contact moc.liamtohobfsctd@nosrevlah_annod for more information.

Patched Lives Quilt Guild meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm At Brandy Brook Community Center, S11W29980 Summit Avenue, Waukesha, WI 53188. We are a diverse group of 70 fun loving quilters who come from all over the metro Milwaukee area. EMail: moc.liamgobfsctd@dliugtliuqsevildehctap Comments: Our group enjoys making charity quilts, participating in challenges and block exchanges, and hosting inspiring speakers. We have 2 retreats and at least 4 Saturday Sew Days per year. All are welcome regardless of skill level. Join us at our next meeting!

Chequamegon Bay Quilters. We have about 40 members. Meetings are 5:30 on the first Tuesday of the month at the Washburn Public Library. For more information, contact moc.oohayobfsctd@sretliuqyabnogemauqehc

Quilters on the Rock meets on the second Tuesday of each month at Christ United Methodist Church on 112 Hall Street, Watertown. Dues are $15 per year. moc.liamgobfsctd@kcorehtnosretliuq

St. John’s Piecemakers. 1st Monday of the month at St. John’s Community Hall 7PM. We have a quilt show every fall and do several charity projects each year. Dues $12/yr. Jane Vaughan ten.sdtobfsctd@nahguavjdnad

Pieceful Hands Quilt Guild. Meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month. Beginning January 2007 we will meet at Trinity Lutheran Church in Waupaca. Visitors are welcome! Membership $12/year. Each meeting consists of show and tell, business meeting and a speaker or quilt lesson.

Pine Tree Quilters PTQ, affectionally called, has been in existence since 1981.  We have over 130 members and we meet twice a month at 6205 Alderson St, Weston, WI.  The second Tuesday is an evening meeting and the 4th Tuesday is a day meeting.  We have programs at each meeting, offer classes, as well as all day sews.  We have a very active community service component donating quilts to veterans, area places of need and most recently placemats for Meals on Wheels.  In October we host “Quilt College”, a one day learning opportunity where nationally known teachers teach two classes to everyone in attendance.  All are welcome to a meeting before joining.  Dues are $20 a year. Check our website for specific information regarding an upcoming meeting. Contact information is there as well!
Email: moc.liamgobfsctd@dliuguqtp

Pine Tree Needlers meets the 4th Wednesday of the month at the Mount Morris Mountainview Community Center. Open sewing and visiting starts at 9am followed by meeting at 12:30. Dues are $25 per year. We also have an open sew day the 1st Wednesday of the month from 9:30 to 3:00. Quilt show in August,Raffle Quilt, BOM, Charity quilts and various programs are offered through the year.

Tosa Quilters welcomes anyone with an interest in quilts. Whether you are just a beginner or have been quilting for years. Dues are $20 a year. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 7 to 9 p.m. September through May at the First Congregational Church of Wauwatosa 1511 Church Street. Our meetings are on the second floor and there is an elevator available. Contact ten.labolgcbsobfsctd@noddahl for more information.

West Bend
Kettle Moraine Quilt Guild. We are a warm & friendly guild with about 40 members who meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month, Sept. – May, 9:30 am @ 5th Ave. United Methodist Church, 323 S. 5th Ave., West Bend. Dues: $15/yr. Meetings include sharing of quilt info, demonstrations, and workshops for charity quilting. Contact ten.tenhobfsctd@kilwagm for more information.

Ties That Bind Quilt Guild. We meet at Pilgrim Lutheran Church, 462 Meadowbrook Drive, West Bend, WI on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. We have about 50 members. We make charity quilts, have occasional speakers, a yearly retreat, and have challenges. Contact Colleen Terry at moc.liamtohobfsctd@661retliuqocilac for more information.

Stone Mill Quilters. We have about 20 members who pay dues of $12 per year. We meet at 6:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month at the Congregational Church in Whitewater. We have a Share a Square quilt block drawing, a quilt show on even numbered years (showing members quilts) and create quilts for raffles. Call 262-495-8821 for further information.

Williams Bay
Scrappers Quilt Guild. We have about 45 members who pay $30 per year in dues. Currently we are doing BOM, a yearly charity Christmas stocking event, a guild challenge every year, and an annual class taught by a “known” quilter in the state. Most of our monthly meetings have an educational component and of course there is always “Sew and Tell.” We meet at the Lions Field House, 270 Elkhorn Rd, Williams Bay 53191 from 6:30PM to 9:00PM on the third Tuesday of the month from January – November. New members always welcome. We will pro-rate the dues for mid-year joiners.Activities vary each month which include challenges, a teaching element, classes, speakers, and Sew ‘n Tell along with a variety of charitable events. All skill levels are welcome-we are a nice group of folks interested in a variety of quilting techniques. Come and enjoy an evening out. Contact: Robin Rogers – moc.liamgobfsctd@8sregordr for further information.

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